聖若瑟是靜默和常收歛心神的人。他喜歡「行動」,而不是說話。比起與人交談,他更喜歡與天主交談。(RSp, 56) St Joseph is the man of silence and recollection. He loved “to do”, not to speak. More than talking to men, he loved talking to God (RSp, 56).
聖若瑟是靜默和常收歛心神的人。他喜歡「行動」,而不是說話。比起與人交談,他更喜歡與天主交談。(RSp, 56) St Joseph is the man of silence and recollection. He loved “to do”, not to speak. More than talking to men, he loved talking to God (RSp, 56).
若瑟的獨特在於他常把自己交在天主的手中。作為天主上智律法最服從的執行者,他拋棄了不合天主旨意的事物,還有享樂及個人的喜好,目的是為了取悅天主,完成祂的聖意。(Pr 1, 132) Joseph is always distinguished by his abandonment into the hands of God. Most obedient executor of the divine laws, he took all adverse things from the hands of God, as well as those happy and favourable ones, with the same intent: to please God, to fulfil his most holy will (Pr 1, […]
感受使徒工作的美麗。任何不熱愛使徒工作、不了解它、對人靈不熱心的人,常常會心灰意冷。(RSp, 101) Feel the beauty of the Apostolate. Anyone who does not love the Apostolate, who does not understand it, who does not have zeal for souls, would always be discouraged (RSp, 101).
人們以多種方式尋求和平,但和平只能在天主內、在耶穌基督和祂的福音中找到。只有當我們按照福音而生活,只有當各國按照福音的原則來治理時,他們就會找到和平。(Pr 2, 18) People are looking for peace in many ways, with many means, but this peace is only in God, in Jesus Christ, in his Gospel. Only when we live according to the Gospel and only if the nations stand according to the principles of the Gospel will they find peace (Pr 2, 18).
如果人工作是為了養家糊口,那是好事;但是如果為了賺取並分發給人永生的食糧、真理的食糧,使人認識三位一體的天主而工作,這是更偉大的事情。(RSp, 105) If someone works to earn his bread, it is a good thing; but it is a great thing to work to earn and distribute the bread of eternal life, the Bread of Truth, to give it to men, to make known this God, One and Three (RSp, 105).
只有天主能賜予平安。天主是我們一切喜悅和安慰的源泉:祂無限美善。讓我們親近祂,親近天主,越來越神化!(RSp, 108) God alone gives peace. God is the joy and the source of all our consolations: He is infinite Good. Let us draw close to Him. To God! More and more of God! (RSp, 108).
瑪利亞在我們當中,因此她為了我們,與我們同在。瑪利亞對我們有獨特的愛,她希望用她心中熾熱的火來點亮我們的心。(Pr 1, 151) Mary among us, therefore, Mary with us, Mary for us. A particular flame of love from Mary towards us, a particular communication from Mary that wants to kindle our hearts with that particular flame that was burning in her heart (Pr 1, 151).
要認識耶穌,效法耶穌,傳揚耶穌,在耶穌內生活。我們在世上必須做的偉大工作是:除去我們身上的惡,以善取而代之:善就是耶穌,祂就是一切:祂是「道路、真理和生命」。(Pr 2, 52) Know Jesus, imitate Jesus, preach Jesus, live in Jesus. The great work we have to do on earth is this: to take away what is evil in us, to replace it with what is good: the good is Jesus who is everything: «Way, Truth and Life» (Pr 2,52).
啊,耶穌,請祢以慈愛在我內注入活潑的信德——那些祢許諾恩賜的活潑信德。我相信祢的無限忠信;我相信無論誰向祢祈求,祢必會賜予。(RSp, 116) Infuse me, O Jesus, with a living faith in your paternal goodness; a living faith in the promises you have made to us. I believe that you are infinitely faithful; I believe that whoever asks will be given (RSp, 116).
驕傲的人相信他們自己有足夠的能力、足夠的智慧與技能,他們不要任何人的建議,也不要天主的恩典。(RSp, 116) The proud believes himself to have enough capacity, enough intelligence, skill, to need neither the advice of men nor the grace of God (RSp, 116).
沒有祈禱生活的人會接二連三地失敗。但祈禱的人,會恩寵上加恩寵。(RSp, 117) In the life of those who do not pray, there are failures that succeed one after another: internal and external. But whoever prays receives grace upon grace (RSp, 117).
傳遞和平福音者的腳步是有福的。 編寫福音、印刷福音和傳播福音的手是有福的。為天主竭盡全力的人是有福的。(Pr 1, 8-9) Blessed are the feet that brought peace and the Gospel. Blessed are the hands that composed the Gospel, who printed it and carried it. Blessed are those who knew how to consume all their strength for God (Pr 1, 8-9).