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許多人都犯了一個錯誤,認為外在活動比內在生活更為重要。你必須避免這個錯誤……首要的使徒工作是做得以成聖的使徒工作。這個工作人人有責。(APD47, 272) Many fall into the error of giving great importance to exterior activity than to interior life. You must avoid and fight such errors... The first apostolate is the apostolate of our sanctification. No one is dispensed from it (APD47, 272).


禮儀是神聖之事,可帶來活力、賦予生命。耶穌基督——人類的道路、真理和生命——繼續在祂的教會中擔任導師、犧牲的祭品及聖化者。禮儀是天主的聖言、聖善的學校、恩寵的泉源。(AE, 230) The Liturgy is something alive and life-giving. It is, in a certain sense, the consummation itself of Jesus Christ whereby he continues to be in his Church the Teacher, the sacrificial Victim, the Sanctifier: Way, Truth and Life for humanity. The Liturgy is thus God’s Word, a school of holiness, and a source […]


主啊,我懇求祢,請光照我的理智;點燃我的意志;淨化我的身體;聖化我的靈魂。讓我痛改前非;拒絕未來的誘惑;糾正我現有生活狀況的惡習,培養美德。(BM, 33) I pray to you, O Lord, to enlighten my intellect; to inflame my will; to purify my body; to sanctify my soul. Let me deplore my past iniquities; that I reject future temptations; that I correct the vicious inclinations and cultivate the virtues according to my state of life (BM, 33).


人間的禮儀陪伴人靈來到天堂的門口。在這裡須捨棄人間的禮儀,因為最美麗、最圓滿的永恆禮儀將要開始。哦,那時與天主的共融是多麼親密,與天主聖三共度的生活多麼契合。(APD47, 476) The earthly Liturgy accompanies the soul up to the gates of Heaven. It is left here because the most beautiful, most perfect, eternal heavenly Liturgy begins. Oh! what an intimate communion with God, what intimacy of life with the Most Holy Trinity! (APD47, 476).


人間的禮儀是為永恆的禮儀做準備,它是喜樂的……禮儀讓我們品嚐到天上事物的味道,並展現天主的許諾:「參與你主人的福樂吧!」(APD47, 490.491) The Liturgy of down here prepares us for the eternal Liturgy, which is also: joy... The liturgy creates in us a taste for heavenly things and introduces us to the fulfillment of the divine promise: “Take part in the joy of your master” (APD47, 490.491).


所有的苦修和密契主義,以及教理和倫理生活,都包含在禮儀中。禮儀是達至天主的途徑,是為通往永恆之境與無窮喜樂的準備。(APD47, 492) All the ascetical and mystical doctrines, in addition to those dogmatic and moral, are contained in the Liturgy. The Liturgy is the way to possess God, the way and preparation to the eternal vision and everlasting joy (APD47, 492).


天堂需要努力,「天國是以猛力奪取的」。與自己奮鬥到底,抵抗好奇心、不良傾向、驕傲、敏感、自我滿足的懶惰;奮戰到底!因為要奮力應戰,所以必須好好祈禱。(APD47, 537) Paradise requires efforts. “The Kingdom of God has suffered violence”. Do violence to oneself, opposing curiosities, bad tendencies, pride, sensitiveness, facility to give in to laziness; always violence! Violence in making the examination of conscience, so as to pray well (APD47, 537).


困難不會缺少,但新郎與你同在,不要害怕!......你會遇到一些阻礙、一些荊棘,但看看結局吧。這條窄路通向何方呢?它將引人至天鄉,在那裡你將在最純淨的喜樂中永遠找到耶穌。(APD47, 496) Difficulties will not be lacking, but the Bridegroom is with you, do not be afraid!... You will meet with hardships and thorns but look to the end. Where does this narrow way lead? It will lead to that heavenly homeland where you will finally find Jesus forever in the purest joy (APD47, 496).


在聖保祿的生活、作品、書信中認識和默想他;按照他的想法、思考、說話、行動;並求助於他父親般的幫助。(APim, 227) Know and meditate St. Paul in his life, works, letters; so as to think, reason, talk, work like him. And invoke his fatherly assistance (APim, 227).


好好認識聖保祿……認識你們的父親:他的聖善生活、他的使徒工作、他的道理、他在天主面前的能力。認識基督的宗徒、外邦人的導師、教會的司牧、特選之器、福音的宣講者、基督的殉道者。(APim, 228) To know better St. Paul… “Know your Father”: his holy life, his apostolate, his doctrine, his power before God. To know the Apostle of Christ, the Teacher of the gentiles, the Minister of the Church, the Vessel of the election, the Preacher of the gospel, the Martyr of Christ (APim, 228).


你們必須做得更多;不要停在表面,而是要深入禮儀的核心,做更多的事情,與其他人所做的不同;你們要做真正的使徒工作:將人靈帶到聖體前!(APD47, 144) You must do even more; do not stop at the exterior, but penetrate the depths of the Liturgy, do something more, something different from what everyone else is doing and achieve the true apostolate: to bring souls to the Eucharist! (APD47, 144).


聖保祿是個步行者:耶穌導師在他去大馬士革的路上征服了他,之後保祿走上另一條路,從未停下腳步……今日他比過去走得更遠、更廣。他被我們現有342個會院(1960年)的保祿家庭成員帶往各處,會士們愛他、向他祈禱,並宣揚他。(APim, 235) St. Paul walked: the Divine Master conquered him on the road to Damascus, and Paul, after taking the opposite path, did not stop anymore… He walks today more than ever, in every direction, even carried by members of the 342 Pauline houses who love him, pray to him, preach him (APim, 235).