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啊,奉獻生活是愛德的生活!愛德在於:耐心、仁慈、寬恕、信任、憐憫、工作、生產、不過於嚴苛、撫慰痛苦,以及勤奮。(APD56, 154) Oh, religious life, life of charity! Patient charity, benign charity, charity that excuses, charity that believes, charity that sympathizes, charity that works, charity that produces, charity that takes away the harshness of life, charity that soothes sorrows and pains, charity that is productive (APD56, 154)


天父,祢多次藉著聖經、先知及祢的兒子對我們說話,今天祢透過教會——永不會錯誤的導師——教導我們。我懇求祢常光照我;永生就是認識祢,和祢的聖子,我們唯一的導師。(PR 68) Many times, O Heavenly Father, you have spoken to us in the Scriptures, in the Prophets, in your Son; today you teach us through the Church, the infallible Teacher. I pray you, enlighten me more and more; this is eternal life: to know you, Father, and your Son, our only Master (PR 68).


上主,全能的天主,祢帶領我們來到今年的開始,求祢以祢的恩寵保護我們免受邪惡的侵害;使我們這一年不犯任何罪過;在一切事上我們願承行祢的旨意,聖化思想、意志及行為。(PR 266) O Lord, Almighty God, who brought us to the beginning of this year, preserve us during this time from evil with your grace; so that in this year we commit no sin; but that we fulfil your will in everything, sanctifying thoughts, desires, actions (PR 266).


上主向貞潔的靈魂揭示了許多事情,就如主耶穌特別吸引了這個靈魂,賜予神慰並建立真實的友誼。過程在於神與人之間的交換:「我全是祢的,而祢是我的。」(APD56, 85) The Lord reveals many things to the soul; how the Lord Jesus exercises a particular attraction over this soul and communicates consolations and establishes a true friendship, which is demonstrated precisely with the exchange of goods: I am yours and you are mine; you are mine and I am yours (APD56, 85).


人需要有目標,承諾力求完美,並完成自己的使徒工作。如此就應驗了《聖詠》133篇的這句話:「看,兄弟們同居共處,多麼快樂,多麼幸福!」(APD56, 223) Have the purpose, the commitment in mind: attend to perfection and carry out one’s apostolate. Then the words come true: “What a beautiful and joyful thing to live together as brothers who love each other!” (APD56, 223).


會母非常單純,她是我所知聖保祿孝女會中最認識耶穌的。她的信德像耶穌那樣虔誠!她的祈禱生活如耶穌滋養我們一樣。我們也應學習妥善分辨,對主說:「這個好;那個不好。」(Convegno catechistico paolino, 1960, 36) Prima Maestra, even in her simplicity, is the most profound that I know among the daughters of St Paul in knowing Jesus. As how Jesus is: her faith! And how Jesus is our nourishment: her prayer life. And how we must give him: that word, “this one does good; this […]


「真誠」是認識自己原本的樣貌,不過分譴責,因為天生的缺陷和非故意的不完美總會發生;但我們也不要替個人的疏失找藉口。讓我們對自己誠實,認識我們在天主面前的樣子。(APD56, 44) Sincerity is recognizing ourselves as we are, without condemning more than what is condemnable because involuntary defects and imperfections always happen; but also without excusing what is truly negligence... Let us be honest with ourselves, let us recognize how we stand before God (APD56, 44).


我們在「聖體日」受到這些的滋養:首先是透過聖體,其次是感恩祭,第三則來自朝拜聖體。也就是說——為了愛耶穌而到耶穌面前;在耶穌的幫助下來耶穌面前;親近耶穌並與祂同在,且在祂內祈禱。(APD56, 490) The Eucharistic day is nourished, in the first place, by Communion; secondly, by the Mass; thirdly, by the hours of adoration. That is, to come to Jesus, for the love of Jesus; to come to Jesus, with the help of Jesus; to come to Jesus and be with him; to come to Jesus […]


朝拜聖體讓我們感受到與天主結合,它再次讓我們與天主有更親密的交流,因為如果電線被切斷,電流就無法通到電器那邊,電燈泡也不會亮了。(APD56, 62) The Visit makes us feel united with God, it puts us in more intimate communication with God again, because if the electric wire is cut, the electric current no longer reaches either the stove or the flatiron, the light no longer arrives (APD56, 62).


祈求進步,祈求克服偏情,祈求德行:首先是信望愛三超德;其次是智勇節義四樞德;第三則是奉獻生活的美德,亦即那些透過三願誓詞而提升的美德。也務求倫理的美德,譬如忍耐、服從、温良。(APD56, 64) Ask for progress, ask for victory over passions, ask for virtues: theological, in the first place; secondly, cardinal; and, thirdly, the religious virtues, those which are then elevated by means of the vow. And also ask for the moral virtues such as patience, obedience, docility (APD56, 64).


對妳們主徒修女來說這一天非常重要,這是妳們出生的週年紀念日。依天主的旨意,自這一天起,許多要獻身於妳們特別使徒工作的人,有的從聖保祿孝女會當中被揀選了。(APD47, 140) This day is very important for you since it marks your birthday, it remembers the anniversary of your birth. Many years from today, by divine will, those who were to be dedicated to your special apostolate have been set aside (APD47, 140).


生病是聖化的時刻,是來自天主的憐憫,給我們懺悔罪過的時期,讓我們反省自己,更加收歛自己的心神,與天主相連在一起。即使我們體弱多病,也要習慣遵行天主的旨意。(Prediche a Grottaferrata e Albano, 1954, 128) Illness is a time of sanctification, a mercy granted by God to give a space of time for the penance of sins, to reflect on ourselves, to recollect more ourselves, to live more united with God. Get used to doing the will of God even when we are […]