願年輕人愛天主、有同理心、謙卑與大方。心,是絕大的動力。 May the young man love God, may he be compassionate, humble and generous. The heart is a great power (ACV, p. 128).
願年輕人愛天主、有同理心、謙卑與大方。心,是絕大的動力。 May the young man love God, may he be compassionate, humble and generous. The heart is a great power (ACV, p. 128).
有人從福音得到滋養,愛好默想,閱讀大量的靈修書籍;如此,他們牢記這些原則,並習以為常在心靈深處感受它們。 There are people who nourish themselves on the Gospel, love meditation, and make a lot of spiritual readings; in such a way that they remember these principles, feel them […]
牧靈的心態就是明瞭一個人靈的價值,明瞭這個人靈能否成為天主的子女意味著什麼,也就是說,這人靈能否活在恩寵中……知道人靈要想得救,必須接枝在耶穌基督身上。 Pastoral mentality means knowing the value of a soul, what it means for that soul to be a child of God or not to be a child of God, […]
明達的心智像一盞高高掛起的燈,照亮天父家中所有的人;一顆充滿聖寵的心就像福音的酵母放入麵團中一樣,能穿透人心並激勵心靈。 A well-enlightened mind lights up like a lantern placed high to shine on all who are in the house of the Father; a heart full of grace penetrates and […]
我們彼此是手足,要互相造就,一起祈禱,在功利主義的思維中互相安慰;我們都要感謝和讚美天主,我們都要仰望導師、道路、真理和生命的耶穌,我們的母后和聖保祿宗徒。 We are all brothers, we must edify one another, pray together, comfort ourselves in the thought of the prize; all give thanks and praise to God, all together contemplate […]
我們的生活是入世的;我們必須在社會上實行使徒工作並聖化各種關係。 Our life unfolds mostly in society; and it is in society that we must exercise the apostolate and sanctify relationships (ACV, p. 138).
基督宗教本身就是道路、真理和生命,必須要與人分享這些。每個人都要相信耶穌、跟隨耶穌,與耶穌連繫在一起。 In itself, Christianity is way, truth and life, and this must be shared with souls. Everyone must believe in Jesus, follow Jesus, and join Jesus (FSP61*, p. 146).
保持團結需要謙遜。我們很容易以為自己的才是好的,並把它絕對化。別忘了,每個人身上都有好的一面。 Humility is necessary to maintain unity. We are very much inclined to look at all the good in us and to inflate it. There is something good in everyone […]
瑪利亞是宗徒,是諸宗徒之后,是每項使徒工作的典範,是所有使徒美德的激發者。願天堂向她歌頌!願大地詠唱!藉著她、偕同她並在她內,願所有的讚美都歸於天主聖三。 Mary is therefore: the Apostle, the Queen of Apostles, the exemplary one in every apostolate, the inspirer of all apostolic virtues. Let heaven sing to her! Let the earth […]
我們要記得,耶穌曾四次向天父請求「願眾人合而為一」;使徒們彼此合為一體,我指的是所有母親與天上之母聯合在一起;然後,所有信徒相信宗徒們的宣講。 Let us remember that Jesus asked the heavenly Father four times: «Ut unum sint», that the apostles may be one among themselves, and I want to say the mothers […]
瑪利亞與耶穌住在家裡。她分享耶穌所有的渴望、目標、意願及計畫。你們要進入與至聖聖體的密切關係中,你們要比別人更瞭解天上導師內心的奧祕。 Mary lived in the house with Jesus. She shared in all the desires, aims, intentions and plans of Jesus. By entering into intimacy with the Sacred Host you must, […]
如果今年你要編寫一些關於瑪利亞的書,那麼請你想一想,你所排的每個鉛字、印刷機的運轉、出版書的每個工作和行銷,都是獻給瑪利亞的敬禮,是實行瑪利亞的福傳工作。 If during the course of the year you have to compose some book about Mary, then think that every typeface you set, every rolling of the printing machine, every […]