對使徒來說,朝拜聖體就像一名聽眾,一所學校,在這裡,門徒或部屬與天上導師來往。 The visit to the Blessed Sacrament for the Apostle is like an audience, a classroom, where the disciple or minister interacts with the Divine Master (ACV, p. 103).
對使徒來說,朝拜聖體就像一名聽眾,一所學校,在這裡,門徒或部屬與天上導師來往。 The visit to the Blessed Sacrament for the Apostle is like an audience, a classroom, where the disciple or minister interacts with the Divine Master (ACV, p. 103).
在瑪利亞的保護之下學習,並不時地舉目仰望瑪利亞;在瑪利亞的保護之下從事使徒工作,且常常呼求她的名字。獻給瑪利亞的慈善與內修事工:她是我們的庇蔭,整天都在她的保護之下。 The studies under Mary’s protection: and raise our gaze to Mary from time to time; the apostolate under Mary’s protection: and repeat from time to time ejaculations to her […]
聖保祿是偉大的福音詮釋者和福傳者。他由天上導師的直接啟示理解福音,他是萬民的導師。繼耶穌基督之後,救恩的真理開始廣傳,像一道河流,源源不絕地奔向大海,支流匯入,流域漸漸擴大,並為所及之處帶來效益和聖德。 Saint Paul was the greatest interpreter and preacher of the Gospel. He understood it in the revelation of the Divine Master, he was Doctor and Master of nations. After […]
我們要感謝你們的會祖,可親可敬的雅各‧雅培理神父,他建立了你們這個大家庭。因基督之名,我們感謝他,祝福他。他謙遜、寡言、孜孜不倦、總是保持警醒、收斂心神、奔波在祈禱與工作之間,時常留意「時代的徵兆」。——教宗保祿六世 We owe to your founder, to the dear and venerated Fr. James Alberione, the creation of your monumental Institute. In the name of Christ, we thank him and bless […]
在超性德行中,第三個是愛德,一方面它最為困難,另一方面,功勞卻最為豐厚,也是唯一永世長存的。 Among the theological virtues, the third one, charity, is the virtue that on the one hand is the most difficult and, on the other, the richest in merit and […]
我們要默觀瑪利亞的使徒工作;我們要向她祈求恩典,以我們能力可及的方式來做她的使徒工作:我們必須祈求這樣的恩典,以明智、慷慨和超性的精神來從事使徒工作:即為了天主、為了人靈、為了永生而做。 We have to contemplate Mary’s apostolate; we have to ask her for the grace that we too may do her apostolate in the way we can: we must ask […]
聖保祿,求你使我們日益認識你、敬愛你、效法你;使我們成為耶穌基督的奧體——教會活的肢體。並請你激起更多有聖德的使徒。 Saint Paul, may we always know you better, love you, imitate you; and may we be the living members of the Church,the mystical body of Jesus Christ. Raise many […]
我們勤讀聖保祿的書信,就能清楚明白他的想法:他的論證和他所寫的每一句話,都是符合基督的;亦即把福音的神聖教導應用在生活和所處的環境中。 If we read the Letters of St. Paul we understand well what was his thinking: his reasoning, and every word he wrote, was conformed to Christ; it was an […]
聖保祿擅長組織及福傳。他傳教旅程結束後,在所經過的地方建立了監督和長老(主教和司鐸)——神聖牧者們的組織架構的雛形。 Saint Paul was a powerful organizer of good and the apostolate. He established a magnificent network of bishops and priests in the places of his missions at the end […]
必須捨棄一切——想法、喜好、傾向、處事的方式等等,得以獲取新的心、新的思想和新的處事方式……。在此,成功的典範有瑪利亞、耶穌和聖保祿。 You have to give up everything: your way of thinking, the preferences you had, the trends and then the ways of dealing; you have to have a new heart, […]
聖體是偉大的轉化工具:在其中,靈魂感到與耶穌親近,在其中,靈魂接受耶穌的想法,感受到耶稣的心和耶穌的意願。 Communion is a great means for transformation: it is there that the soul feels close to Jesus, it is there that the soul adopts the way of thinking of […]
願保祿家庭完全接枝在基督內。我們決不可離開基督——祂是神聖的橄欖樹、結果實的橄欖樹。無論是一個月、一星期或甚至一天,都不可以不來取食這生命之糧。 May the Pauline Family be completely grafted into Christ. InChrist, the holy olive, the fruit-bearing olive... Let us never leave, neither for a month, nor for a week, nor […]