被接枝到基督內,人就能結出工作的成果,不過,這成果是藉由耶穌基督獲得提升,而成為自己的。 Being grafted into Christ will be able to bear fruits and works that are of man, but made his and elevated by Jesus Christ (ACV, p. 26).
被接枝到基督內,人就能結出工作的成果,不過,這成果是藉由耶穌基督獲得提升,而成為自己的。 Being grafted into Christ will be able to bear fruits and works that are of man, but made his and elevated by Jesus Christ (ACV, p. 26).
帶著耶穌一起生活是多麼幸福啊!「我的珍寶與我同在」;這是多大的喜樂啊。 How happy the soul that carries Jesus with himself! «Mytreasure is with me»; what a joy! (APD47, 30).
全體成員都要與家中(修會內)的領導者合作;但當導師(長上)也聆聽他人的想法、感受、觀察和建議時,就更容易合作了。這需要謙遜。 All are to collaborate with those who guide the house; but it is easier to collaborate when the superior also listens to the thoughts, feelings, observations and advice. It […]
在每天不同的工作中,我們的意向是:將自己與耶穌基督聯合在一起,偕同祂,在祂內,實行使徒工作,成為傳播祂的真理、道路和生命的擴音器。 In our daily and varied toil we have the intention: to unite ourselves to Jesus Christ and, with him and in him, carry out the apostolate as loud speakers […]
基督徒的生活必須嫁接在基督身上;基督是真理、道路和生命,這是容易理解的;思想接枝到基督的思想內,意志接枝在基督的意志裡,心接枝在基督的心中。這樣,到了審判時,人會發現自己與基督的肖像相符。 It is easy to desire that Christian life must be grafted into Christ: now, Christ is Truth, Way and Life; the mind grafted into the mind of Christ, the […]
耶穌基督,我們的導師,請啟發我們的理智,讓我們理解和默想神聖的聖經。使我們的意志順服於祢温柔的榜樣和規戒……。主啊,讓我認識祢,愛慕祢,與祢一起生活,永遠享有祢…… Jesus Christ, our Master, enlighten our minds to understand and meditate on the Divine Scriptures. Render our wills docile to the examples and the precepts of your gentleness... O […]
童貞聖母給了我們救主。(「給」含有「編輯」的意味)動詞「編輯」涵蓋美學層面,研究製作既符合禮儀又兼具藝術性的物品。亦包括修女們的工作,她們預備給兒童講授教理,慈祥和藹地向他們具體解釋。 The Blessed Virgin gave us the Saviour. It uses the verb “edidit”. The publication includes the creative concept, the study to produce an object that is at the same […]
愛吧!每天更多一點。以耶穌基督為榜樣去愛,再加上我們團結一家的原因:我們有聖保祿的心。 Love. Love always more. Love after the example of Jesus Christ, adding the reason that we are united as a single family: we have the heart of St. Paul […]
我們的福傳工作應是謙遜的:直到使出所有的才能;直到我們為愛天主和人靈的益處,而全力勤奮地展開工作。 Let our apostolate be humble: it is enough that we use in it all the talents we have received; it is enough that we perform it with diligence for […]
使徒知道何時揭開遮蓋聖母內在生活的面紗,看清她是多麼純樸。她的生活總結起來,應該是每位基督徒的理想:一切都是為了耶穌,偕同耶穌,在耶穌內…… The apostle will know the time and place to remove the veil that hides from our gaze the inner life of the Virgin Mary and highlight how uncomplicated and […]
「傳教士必須具備牧民色彩」是什麼意思呢?就是擁有能夠瞭解靈魂價值的這種思維。 To comprehend what one means when one emphasizes: «The apostolate must have a pastoral colour». What does it mean? To have this mentality: to know the value of souls […]
祈求耶穌賜予我們善牧之心,也就是為人靈而奉獻生命。憐憫慈悲是無窮無盡的,永不結束。 Ask Jesus for his charity as a Good Shepherd, that is, to give your life for souls. «Charity will never end» (PrP VIII, p. 91).