父親般的探訪視察……是被期待的探訪,是渴望已久的相見,猶如一縷陽光,照亮一切。探訪視察越頻繁,成果就越多。 There are paternal visitations... These are visits that are awaited, meetings that are longed for; they are like a ray of sunlight that brightens up everything. The greater the […]
父親般的探訪視察……是被期待的探訪,是渴望已久的相見,猶如一縷陽光,照亮一切。探訪視察越頻繁,成果就越多。 There are paternal visitations... These are visits that are awaited, meetings that are longed for; they are like a ray of sunlight that brightens up everything. The greater the […]
保祿會士的福傳工作需要强大的編輯、技術人員和行銷團隊。需要彼此達至和諧,就像藝術家在展示一件美麗的藝術品一樣。 The Pauline apostolate calls for an effective group of writers, technical people, and distributors. Everyone must be in harmony just like orchestra players tune-up before giving a performance (UPS […]
祈禱的生命是持續的呼吸,就像我們必須不斷地呼吸空氣一樣。因此,我們常把天主的精神放在我們前面,並越來越摒除人性的一面,也就是只由人的感性或理性所推動的精神。然後,靈魂依照信德來推理和思考。 The life of prayer is continuous breathing, as we must continuously breathe the air... And so, we will always put the Spirit of God in us and we will […]
出版的使徒必須用他的理智、心和意志去思考和工作,並且要與教會同感,從而按照教會的教導來寫作。簡言之,他對教會要有赤子之心,而教會對所有人則有慈母之心。 The publishing apostle must always incline his mind, heart, and will to think, work, and feel with the Church and, hence, to write in conformity with her teaching. In […]
不單只有外在的遵守,而要整個人歸向天主,整個人接枝到道路、真理和生命的基督上。直到「基督在我內生活」。在天主面前,每個人像是宴席的主人,讓自己成為大餐,全獻給主。 Let there be not only external observances but let all human beings go to God and let the whole person be grafted into Christ, the Way, Truth, and Life. […]
透過信德,人明瞭天上導師的心意,祂宣講並邀請所有人到祂身旁:「你們都到我這裡來吧!」;聖保祿,外邦人的導師,他開闊的胸襟懷抱著所有人;宗徒之后,她是所有天父孩子——傳教士、宣道者、使徒們——的嚮導。 By faith we understand: the Heart of the Divine Master, who preaches and invites all men to himself: «Come to me all»; St. Paul «Doctor of the Gentiles» was […]
天上導師,求祢使整個人類,因信德、望德和愛德而聯合在一起。求祢顯揚教會,護佑教宗,聖化司鐸和獻身於祢的人。主耶穌,祢的渴望就是我們的渴望:願世人同歸一棧,共屬一牧,使人人都能在天堂裡,相聚在勝利的教會中。(Prayers of the PF) Divine Master, we implore you that all human beings may be united in faith, in a common hope, and in charity. Exalt the Church, assist the […]
在天堂裡,我們共組成保祿大家庭,永不會再分開,死亡或其他任何因素都不可拆散這個家庭。讓我們現在就如同在天上那樣生活;在世上我們也要彼此相愛,好比我們愛天上的諸聖一樣。(RSP, p. 186) In paradise all together we will make the «Pauline Family», which can no longer be separated and cannot be separated by death, nor for any other reason. […]
人是為了幸福而被天主創造。只有當人尋求天主、盡力肖似天主——換句話說,除非成聖——才抵達終點。天主的旨意是要你們成聖。(AE, 269) The human being is created by God for happiness, human beings achieve their goal only if they seek God and become more like him. In a word, if […]
在天堂上,你們要為耶穌聖體被人敬愛而祈禱,為神父們祈禱,為修女們祈禱。你們要向天上導師祈禱,使祂的願望「你們都到我這裡來」能得以實現,使所有人都認識祂,跟隨祂,愛慕祂。(APD47, 105) You in Paradise, will pray for the honour of Eucharistic Jesus, for the Priests, for the Sisters. You will pray to the Divine Master so that his desire […]
門徒是如何被培育的?真正的聖德是怎樣達成的?天上導師成為一個小孩,給我們一個強而有力的教導。這是給那些位高權重的人的一堂課:因為權位就是服務,「你們當中最大的,要像那服事人的一樣」。(RSP, p. 321) That’s how the apostles are prepared. This is how true holiness is achieved. The divine Master, having become a child, gives us a very strong lesson. A […]
人心是為愛而受造的:奉獻生活和司鐸生活並沒有剔除天生的情感,反而更觸及它,昇華它,使之超性化。(ACV, p. 240) The human heart is made to love: the religious state and the priestly state do not take away this sentimental side of nature but enlarge it, elevate […]