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保持樂觀!因上天的庇佑,召叫我們成聖的同時,祂總提供方法、機會、考驗、安慰、智慧和愛心。(ACV, p. 215) Constant optimism, resting on the divine Providence, which, calling us to holiness, always provides means, opportunities, trials, consolations, wisdom, and love (ACV, p. 215).


無論你是何種心態,重點在於:按照天主和耶穌基督來思考。(ACV, p. 66) Think according to God, according to Jesus Christ: here is the soul of every mentality (ACV, p. 66).


每當我們開始奉獻生活的禮儀,想起有什麼聖髑放在祭台上,相當有用。首先,是聖雅各伯大宗徒的聖髑。然後是三位殉道者:安提約基雅的聖依納爵、聖戴格蘭、聖弟茂德、聖庇護十世的聖髑。這些聖髑告誡我們:「熱愛教會、尊重教會、幫助教會」。(RSP, p. 525). As we begin the ceremony of Consecration, it is useful to remember which relics are placed at the altar. First of all, a relic of St. James […]


最大的社會效益是合一。耶穌導師在祂的大司祭祈禱中這樣祈禱:首先是為宗徒們;之後他三次重覆「願他們合而為一」,為使人相信宗徒們。(CISP, p. 161) The maximum «bonum sociale» is union. Jesus Master in his «oratio sacerdotalis» made this request: first for the apostles; then three times he repeated the prayer «that […]


聖瑪利亞,上主使妳成為使徒,為世界帶來了耶穌,祂是道路、真理和生命。因著妳,所有的天主教徒,將盡力完成全部的使命,以及一切使徒工作!……請為我們求得一顆使徒的心,肖似妳的心,也相似耶穌和聖保祿的心,為使將來有一天,所有的使徒及信友都能在天堂,團聚在妳的周圍。(祈禱手冊P.180) O Mary, the Lord made you an apostle to give Jesus, Way and Truth and Life to the world: all Catholics, with all their strength, for all vocations, for […]


並非每個人都用同樣的方式接近天主,大家多半各自有不同的需要,所以使徒必須從模範聖保祿學習「為一切人,成為一切」的藝術,並靈活地運用不同的方法,與不同的人來往。(AE, 37) Since not everyone comes to God in the same way and all have their individual needs the apostle must learn from his model, Saint Paul, the art of […]


去做默想祈禱不意味著不熱心工作,恰恰相反,因為祈禱比行動更重要。福傳工作只有在内修生活的激勵中才會有成果,而内修生活又是從默想得到滋養。(AE, 87) The time given to meditation is not stolen from active works since prayer is more necessary than action. Indeed, apostles are productive to the degree they are animated […]


透過陸海空交通在各大洲之間移動,與不同的民族、文化、語言相遇,但我們都同樣以孩子的心,敬禮同一位母親。多令人欣慰啊!……全為了瑪利亞,全來自瑪利亞,所有一切都偕同瑪利亞。她在世上向萬民展示她的兒子。(CISP,p. 1016) Changing continents, being on land, on the sea, in the air; to meet races, other civilizations, different languages: but always the same Mother, always the hearts of children, […]


從天上導師取得一切,祂住在聖體龕內;這是祂的意願;處於風雨飄搖之中的保祿家庭,將發出巨大的光芒……每個人都該想自己是光的傳遞者,是耶穌的揚聲器。(AD, 157) Take everything from him, the Divine Master dwelling in the Tabernacle; that this is his will; that a great light was to shine forth from the then threatened […]


穿著與眾不同、做事標新立異的人,如果没有與天主合作、毫無謙遜,只以世人的方式行事,最終他們只會兩手空空。(RSP, p. 152) People who wear a distinguished habit, people who do distinct things but without union with God, without humility, remain empty-handed at the end: they have performed in […]


整個人在基督內,理智、意志、心與體力,全都為愛天主。所有的一切,無論是本性的、恩竉的或是聖召,全都為了福傳。就如一輛有四個輪子的車子,這四個輪子是聖德、學業、傳教工作和神貧。(AD, 100) The whole person in Jesus Christ, in view of loving God completely: intelligence, will, heart, and physical strength. Nature, grace, and vocation: everything for the apostolate. a cart […]


與瑪利亞一起預備聖誕節,無原罪聖母已為我們預備了一部分,潔淨心靈。現在,懷著愛轉眼注視著搖籃……自問我們是否仁慈待人?是否缺少合一精神?我們可以貢獻什麼?因為我們是一個身體:耶穌的奧體。(FSP59, p. 192) Get ready for Christmas with Mary. The Immaculate has already prepared us in part, purifying our hearts. Now turn to the crib with love... see if something […]