懇求天上導師吸引所有人進入祂的真理、良善及充滿恩寵的學校。(APD47, 119) Pray to the Divine Master to draw all people to his school of truth, goodness and grace (APD47, 119).
懇求天上導師吸引所有人進入祂的真理、良善及充滿恩寵的學校。(APD47, 119) Pray to the Divine Master to draw all people to his school of truth, goodness and grace (APD47, 119).
熱心敬禮瑪利亞:即經由瑪利亞去耶穌那裡。(AE, 204) The essence of devotion to Mary is, in other words, to go to Jesus through Mary (AE, 204).
幫助人靈進入天堂,這將是你們的專業與職務:這必須探究、深入他們當中。你們來到這裡要開始想著人靈,要去滿足新的渴求——對人靈的渴求。(PrP I, 118) This will be your profession, your occupation: to help souls to reach Paradise. This needs to enter well into the soul. By entering here, you begin to think of souls, to nourish a new thirst, the thirst of the souls (PrP I, 118).
如果你們在領聖體後只說:「耶穌,我愛你。」祂不會滿意;你們必須加上:「耶穌,我愛祢,我也愛人。」背誦〈愛德經〉,告訴天主:「請使我愛人,就像祢愛了他們一樣。」(PrP I, 119) If after Communion you only say: “Jesus, I love you”, He will not be pleased; you must add: “Jesus, I love you and I love souls”. Recite the act of charity well, in full. Say to the Lord: “Make me love souls as you have loved them” (PrP I, 119).
最後我感到這是一種啟示。我明白這種做法需要耗盡人的一生,我渴望每個人都能明瞭、實踐並活出這種對耶穌導師道路、真理和生命的熱忱,就是傳遞良善,這是給予所愛之人最美麗的禮物。(PrP I, 12) At the end I sensed a revelation. I understood that this practice took up the whole of man’s life and I felt the desire that everyone should know, practice and live this devotion : to communicate and give good is the most beautiful gift that one can give to those one loves […]
使徒工作的職責是闡釋、推廣、傳播救贖的真理,這是教會賦予的。教會是唯一的,有守護神聖真理的任務,她也是在世上的信德導師。(AE, 140) The works of the apostolate have the office to expound, popularize and spread God’s life-saving truths, as set out by the Church, which alone has the task of guarding the sacred deposit of truth and is the Teacher of faith in the world (AE, 140).
正如我們熱切渴望使自己成聖,我們也必須渴望近人成聖。我們要為人靈奉獻時間、力量和健康。在臨終時能說「我為人靈獻出了生命」的人,是有福的。(PrP I, 120) As we ardently desire to make ourselves holy, so must we desire it for our neighbour. For the souls give your time, your strength, your health. Blessed who on his deathbed can say: ‘I have given my life for souls’ (PrP I, 120).
瑪利亞,不僅僅是我們的母親;她比地上的母親更細心關照我們。你們要有信心,因為這位母親多麼棒又何其美好。「看,你的兒子!看,你的母親!」(AP 1958/1, 16) Mary ... is more than a mother to us; she is more caring, more attentive than an earthly mother can be to us. Trust, because this Mother is good, Mary is good. “I am your mother, you are my son” (AP 1958/1, 16).
有了服從和良善,修道生活是人間的天堂。在你們中間要散播喜樂及美德。人們必會說:他們彼此多麼相愛!(PrP I, 125) Religious life is a paradise on earth when there is obedience on the one hand and goodness on the other. Sow joy and goodness among yourselves. People should say of you: How they love each other (PrP I, 125).
人的首要責任是了解和堅持信仰真理:我們被創造是為了認識天主,這些真理是由天主啟示的,教會教導我們並建議我們出版使徒要將信仰內容置於優先。(AE, 18-19) Since the prime duty of human beings is to know and adhere to the truths of faith: “We were created to know… God”, such truths revealed by God and which the Church teaches and proposes to us as the object of our faith, must be the publishing apostolate’s primary object (AE, 18-19).
培育聖召:他們將在哪裡開花?在那裡有純潔的百合花、慈善的玫瑰和謙遜的紫羅蘭。僅僅接受他們並讓他們進入修會是不夠的;有必要培育他們對人靈的熱忱和愛!(PrP I, 128) Forming vocations: where will they flourish? Where there are lilies of purity, roses of charity and violets of humility. But it is not enough to accept them and bring them into the congregation; we need to know how to form them. Zeal and love for souls! (PrP I, 128).
耶穌,神聖的導師,我們與天使一起朝拜祢,他們為祢的降生曾高歌:「光榮歸天主,和平給世人。」求以祢同樣的熱火點燃我們,為光榮天主和救人靈魂。主,我的導師,求祢來臨!求祢藉著我們的母親、導師和皇后瑪利亞,教導治理我們。 Gesù, Maestro divino, ti adoriamo con gli angeli che cantarono i motivi della tua incarnazione: “Gloria a Dio e pace agli uomini”. Accendi in noi la fiamma dello zelo per Dio e per le anime. Vieni, Maestro e Signore! Insegna e regna, per Maria, madre, maestra e regina. Jesús, divino Maestro, te adoramos con […]