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讓我們相信聖保祿是一位溫柔的父親。他對他的第一批門徒:聖弟鐸、聖弟茂德、聖戴格蘭、聖路加和費肋孟懷抱怎樣的感情!有多少聖人在他身邊不成長繁盛的呢!他們曾經大放異彩,即便是現在也深具影響力。(APim, 247) Let us be convinced that St. Paul is a very tender father. What affection he did not have for his first disciples: St. Titus, St. Timothy, St. Thecla, St. Luke and Philemon! How many saints did not bloom around him! They flourished then, they will flourish even now (APim, 247).


透過印刷使徒工作而出產的書籍、期刊及所有的印刷品,都是憑藉著聖經而變得有力……它們越是吸取、遵循、依據、引述、應用及忠於聖經,特别是福音,就越有效力。(AE, 165) Through the press apostolate, books, periodicals, and other publications acquire effectiveness in virtue of the Bible… The more they draw from, adhere to, depend on, reproduce, show devotion to and apply the Bible, and the Gospel in particular, the greater will be their effectiveness (AE, 165).


教會特別賜給我們的,是神聖的福音及各書卷著作——也就是聖經,這些構成了我們印刷使徒的基本任務。(AE, 168) The Holy Gospel in particular and the books of Holy Scripture, that is, the Bible, in general, as given to us by the Church, constitute the press apostle’s essential undertaking (AE, 168).


就像領聖體的人獲得來自天堂無與倫比的美德滋養,以聖經話語為食糧的人,也感到有股不可言喻的神聖之火,在他的心中燃點,穿透靈魂,使精神煥然一新。(AE, 170) Just as one who receives the sacred Host partake of heavenly nourishment of incomparable energy, likewise one who nourishes himself on the words of the Bible experience an inner divine fire of inexpressible action that penetrates the soul and renews it spiritually (AE, 170).


聖經與其他書籍不同,它瀰漫著活力。它是天主聖言最偉大的聖事。在它的書頁下,聖神的神聖之火在燃燒,就像在「聖儀」中也有基督活著的神聖位格。(AE, 170) The spirit that permeates the Bible and brings it to life sets it apart from other books. It is the great sacrament of the Word of God. From its pages glows the divine fire of the Holy Spirit just as in the sacramental species there is the living divine person of Christ (AE, […]


正如耶穌基督渴望我們接受祂為我們而設的聖體聖事,天主也希望我們閱讀祂在聖經中為我們而寫的內容。(AE, 172) As Jesus Christ ardently desires us to receive him in the Holy Eucharist, instituted precisely for us, so God desires we should read what he has written for us in the Bible (AE, 172).


主啊,我信靠祢!請使我的信德更堅強。主啊,我仰望祢!請使我的望德更肯定。主啊,我愛慕祢!請使我的愛德更熱忱!主啊,我痛悔己罪,請使我更懷著懺悔之心。(BM, 30) I believe, O Lord, but let me believe more firmly! I hope, O Lord: but let me hope more surely! I love, O Lord: but make me love more ardently! I repent, O Lord: but make me repent more and more (BM, 30).


聖經的出版品應是牧靈性的,稱之為「牧靈」,因為它們是由具備使徒之心的人所預備,以「牧靈的形式」呈現,以牧靈的角度選擇題材,價格盡量親民;用「牧靈」一詞,因為是針對所有人靈。(AE, 183) Biblical publications should be pastoral. Pastoral because they are prepared by apostolic-minded people, pastoral in appearance, pastoral in the choice of notes and, insofar as possible, in their low cost; pastoral in that they are addressed to all people (AE, 183).


如果你想使人閱讀聖經產生效力,你必須引導他們懷著渴望與耶穌基督、與天主的恩賜相遇的態度來閱讀聖經:抱持著謙遜、信心、祈禱和改變生活的期望來閱讀。(AE, 184) If one wants that Scripture reading be productive in people it is necessary to guide them to read the Holy Book with the lively desire to meet Jesus Christ, God’s gift; to read it in humility, faith and prayer, and with the desire to change their life (AE, 184).


使徒的目標不單只為了人在能力方面的完善,而是要整個人的圓滿,也就是:成為理智、意志和情感充沛的人,同時展露出要相信的真理、要遵循的道路,以及對天主恩賜的渴慕,以能相信並按照自己的召叫而行事。(AE, 222) What the apostle has to aim for is to perfect not just one of the human faculties, but the whole human person gifted with intellect, will and feeling, while at the same time setting out for oneself the truth to be believed, the way to be followed and the means to acquire God’s […]


聖人是天主的朋友,也是我們的朋友,他們很樂意向我們伸出援手,這是為了天主更大的光榮,也是為了支持他們的弟兄姊妹——也就是我們——因為他們看到我們的處境,他們感同身受。(AE, 274) Since the saints are friends of God and ours, too, they are glad to help us contribute to God’s greater glory and to support us, their brothers and sisters, seeing our plight and recognizing that it was once theirs (AE, 274).


使徒作家的任務是向一般群眾講話,對他們傳遞有關永生的信仰、倫理與敬禮。(AE, 275) The task of the apostle-writer is to address the simple people, the masses, to communicate to them the faith, morals and Catholic worship, with regard to eternal life (AE, 275).