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瑪利亞,教會之母,我的慈母,妳是在天主聖三內,求妳教我藉著禮儀和聖事,與天主聖三日益密切地生活在一起,好使我的整個生命,成為一遍聖三光榮經。 Monthly intention of May O Mary, Mother of the Church and my Mother, you who are in the divine Trinity, teach me to live, through the liturgy and the sacraments, in ever more intimate communion with the three divine Persons, so that my whole life may be a «glory tothe Father, to the Son […]


瑪利亞從天上激發聖召、陪伴聖召,並保護所有的使徒工作,今日以一種特殊的方式保護這份有特別需要的出版使徒工作。她安慰、鼓勵和支持使徒們的工作。 Mary from heaven inspires vocations, from there she accompanies vocations, and from there she protects all the apostolates, and today in a particular way the one which is so necessary, the publishing apostolate. Besides, she consoles, encourages and supports the apostles in their work (RSP, p. 247).


我們每個人非常容易記得耶穌在十字架上對若望講的話:「這是你的母親……。」讓我們想一想,瑪利亞接受了這個普世母親的職務,她現在要奉獻、給予、傳遞超性的生命給我們,她要給予和傳授耶穌給我們。 Each one of us can easily remember the words that Jesus from the cross said to John: «Here is your mother»... We consider Mary who, accepting this office of universal mother, now wants to offer, give, and communicate the supernatural life. She wants to give, communicate Jesus to us (FSP58, p. 135).


瑪利亞,我們需要妳塑造我們的心,就像妳塑造了妳的兒子——無玷羔羊耶穌的心一樣……塑造我們的心,使它變得慷慨,變得虔誠,變得堅強,使它被這兩種愛激發成長,即對天主的敬愛和對近人的憐愛。 We need you, Mary, to form our hearts, as you formed the heart of the immaculate Lamb Jesus, your Son... Form our heart, that it may be generous, that it may be pious, and that it may be strong, that it may be inflamed with two loves: charity towards God and charity towards our […]