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我們需要出版的福傳工作,比其他時代更需要;印刷,無論好壞,都有一股我稱為「無所不能的力量」在潛藏運行,並標示著當今的社會思想與風潮。(AE, p. 368) But what is needed more so than in other times is the apostolate of the Press; this Press which good or bad wields an almost hidden power, a power I would call omnipotent, which plots the course of present day society’s reasoning and behaviour (AE, p. 368).


有各式各樣的使徒工作:做個好榜樣的使徒工作、宣講的使徒工作、祈禱的使徒工作、勞動的使徒工作、良好印刷刊物的使徒工作等等。(AE, p. 368) There is a variety of apostolates: the apostolate of good example, the apostolate of the word, the apostolate of prayer, the apostolate of good works, the apostolate of the Good Press and so on (AE, p. 368).


 哦,耶穌,祢已將祢的心給了人類。我也要把我的心奉獻給祢。我要給祢的不是一顆冰冷的心,而是被愛熾燃的心;不是一顆冷漠、放蕩的心,而是虔誠而收歛的心;不是一顆已死的心,而是持續跳動的心;不是驕傲無用的心,而是謙卑慷慨的心。(BM, 352) O Jesus, you have presented your Heart to men. I want to offer you mine, everything of it. I want to give you not a cold heart, but a heart lit with love. Not a dissipated heart; but a pious and recollected heart. Not a dead heart; but a living and working heart. […]


是的,你們祈禱吧、聖德首先來自天主,來自聖體龕。我們要與聖寵合作。讓我們走向聖體龕:裡面有強化靈魂的力量。是耶穌光照我們、堅強我們、聖化我們。(PrP I, 104) Yes, pray; holiness comes first of all from God, it comes from the Tabernacle. It is up to us to correspond to grace. Let us go to the Tabernacle: in it is the energy that must strengthen souls. It is Jesus who enlightens us, who strengthens us and who sanctifies us (PrP […]


如果你有成聖的意願,你進入教堂時,會懷著愛望著聖體龕:從那扇小門後面,耶穌也帶著愛意,一個一個地在看你們,如同祂充滿愛意地注視富少年。耶穌全然認識你們,而我們認識祂嗎?(PrP I, 120-121) Jesus looked at the rich young man with love. If you want to make yourselves holy, when you enter the church look at the Tabernacle with love: from behind that little door Jesus looks at you one by one with love and knows you all. And do we know Jesus? (PrP I, […]


在聖體中,耶穌不斷地空虛自己。祂隱藏在麵餅形內。隱而不露的祂是多麼可愛啊!在十字架上,祂的天主性隱藏了;在聖體裡,祂的人性也隱藏了。還有人可以比耶穌更貶抑自己嗎?耶穌真的可以說:跟我學習吧!因為我是良善心謙的。(APD47, 523) In the Eucharist Jesus continues to humble himself. He is hidden here under the appearance of bread. How lovable he is in this annihilation. On the cross, the divinity was hidden, hidden here before us, too, is the humanity. Is it possible to lower oneself more? He can truly say: “Learn from me, […]


聖體龕是永生的水源。為了使光芒、力量、恩寵注入我們靈魂,我們必須走近這個源頭。否則就像想要用水,卻不打開水龍頭;或是希望燈泡亮起,但不打開電燈開關。(PrP I, 105) The Tabernacle is the source of the water of eternal life. But in order for the divine light, for strength and grace to reach our souls, we must approach this source. To do otherwise would be like wanting water without turning on the tap, expecting the light bulb to shine without turning […]


耶穌為了愛而留在聖體龕內;聖體是信德、恩寵和愛德的奧祕。有比天上導師的愛更偉大的嗎?沒有更大的愛比在聖體中的愛還更多的。你們拿去吃吧。祂讓自己如同食物一樣被吃掉,有其他行為比這個做得更多的嗎?(APD47, 527) Jesus remains in the Tabernacle out of love. The Eucharist is a mystery of faith, grace and charity. Could the charity of the Divine Master perhaps go further? Could he do more than this? Take this and eat it. Could he do more than to give himself as food, to let himself be […]


讓我們在這裡,在聖體龕前好好默想:走向聖德的第一個障礙是驕傲,而走向聖德的第一步是真誠的謙遜:思想、意志、心靈和行為的謙遜——那讓我們相信天主慈悲的謙遜。(PrP I, 105) Let us meditate well, here, in front of the Tabernacle: the first impediment to holiness is pride, while the first step towards holiness is sincere humility, the humility of mind, of will, of heart, of works; that humility which makes us trust only in divine mercy (PrP I, 105).


為什麼領聖體後不同人有不一樣的結果呢?不是因為食物不好,而是因為它沒有被好好吸收。就像福音的種子,一部分落在路邊,一部分落在荊棘中,一部分落在石頭地上,最後一部分落在好地裡。(APD47, 368) Why is it that Communion does not always produce the same fruit? Not because the food is not good, but because it is not received well. Like the seed in the Gospel, it may happen that some fell on the footpath, some fell among thorns, some on rocky ground, finally, some fell on […]


願世人善領聖體來開始一天的生活,並以虔誠朝拜聖體來結束一天。願聖體龕成為所有生命的中心、生活的動力。(APD47, 377) That men and women may begin their day with the Holy Eucharist and conclude it with the Eucharistic adoration. May the Tabernacle be the centre of every life, be the strength of every existence (APD47, 377).


除了聖體,教會不能給予更大的善;沒有比聖體性的生活更高超的生活,聖體是我們最大的支柱。如果所有人都明白天主與我們同在,明白從聖體領受了什麼,那麼每個人都會向聖體奔去。(APD47, 409) The Church cannot give a greater good than Communion, has no other loftier life and greatest support but the Eucharist. If all men and women would understand what it means: God with us... What is received in Communion, all would turn to the Eucharist (APD47, 409).