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如果你想使人閱讀聖經產生效力,你必須引導他們懷著渴望與耶穌基督、與天主的恩賜相遇的態度來閱讀聖經:抱持著謙遜、信心、祈禱和改變生活的期望來閱讀。(AE, 184) If one wants that Scripture reading be productive in people it is necessary to guide them to read the Holy Book with the lively desire to meet Jesus Christ, God’s gift; to read it in humility, faith and prayer, and with the desire to change their life (AE, 184).


使徒的目標不單只為了人在能力方面的完善,而是要整個人的圓滿,也就是:成為理智、意志和情感充沛的人,同時展露出要相信的真理、要遵循的道路,以及對天主恩賜的渴慕,以能相信並按照自己的召叫而行事。(AE, 222) What the apostle has to aim for is to perfect not just one of the human faculties, but the whole human person gifted with intellect, will and feeling, while at the same time setting out for oneself the truth to be believed, the way to be followed and the means to acquire God’s […]


聖人是天主的朋友,也是我們的朋友,他們很樂意向我們伸出援手,這是為了天主更大的光榮,也是為了支持他們的弟兄姊妹——也就是我們——因為他們看到我們的處境,他們感同身受。(AE, 274) Since the saints are friends of God and ours, too, they are glad to help us contribute to God’s greater glory and to support us, their brothers and sisters, seeing our plight and recognizing that it was once theirs (AE, 274).


使徒作家的任務是向一般群眾講話,對他們傳遞有關永生的信仰、倫理與敬禮。(AE, 275) The task of the apostle-writer is to address the simple people, the masses, to communicate to them the faith, morals and Catholic worship, with regard to eternal life (AE, 275).


有些人心中聖保祿的形象是這樣的:放眼全世界,心神日夜不斷地念及所有人,滿懷神聖的熱忱——那股熱火將他轉變為耶穌基督並推動他耗盡一切。每位使徒的心靈都該如此。(AE, 350) There are those who imagine Saint Paul like this: with his eye on the geographical panorama of the pagan world, his soul tense night and day to all peoples to communicate to all the holy ardour that consumes him and transforms him into Jesus Christ. Every apostolic soul should be no different (AE, […]


做福傳工作時,需要選擇一枝浸入耶穌聖心的筆,並懂得在紙張上傳達思想……選擇能贏得人心、滿足思想、牽引意志的筆。一枝能適應時代、適應人群的筆。(AE, 378) The apostolate needs talented writers who dip into the Heart of Jesus and convey their thoughts on paper… Chosen writers who win hearts, satisfy the minds, sway the wills. Writers who know how to adapt themselves to the times… to categories of people they are dealing with (AE, 378).


全心愛天主和人靈,使徒是學習善用上天為他的目的所賜予的一切,以便受造物向造物主唱出讚美詩。使徒會知道如何從廢土種出玫瑰及百合花,將破布轉變為傳播福音的紙張。(AE, 380) In the fullness of his love for God and for his fellow human beings, the apostle is to learn how to utilize everything that providence offers him for his goal so that all creatures may raise their hymn of praise to their Creator. He is to be so ingenious as to grow roses […]


祈求在至聖童貞的精神中妥善參與感恩聖祭的恩典,你們必須深入聖母的精神,與她有同樣的感受。熱心使徒的整個生活是聖母生活的延續:虔誠的門徒必須與聖母一起生活。(APD47, 173) Ask for the grace to attend the Holy Mass well, always better, in the spirit of the Holy Virgin. You must intimately enter into the spirit of Our Lady and possess the same sentiments. The whole life of the Pious Disciple is a continuation of the life of the Madonna: the Pious Disciple […]


懷著聖母的意向、感受、心願、渴望與計畫,為聖母而活。你有瑪利亞的思想、感受與願望嗎?你行事像瑪利亞嗎?你感覺自己與瑪利亞在一起嗎?或感到在她內嗎?你有每天自我更新與轉變嗎?(APD47, 232) Own the intentions, feelings, aspirations, desires, having Mary’s plans. Live like Mary. Do you have the thoughts, feelings, aspirations of Blessed Maria? Do you work as Mary would work? Do you feel united with Mary? Do you live in Mary? Are you transforming yourself every day? (APD47, 232).


耶穌基督從天上而來,是天父的使徒,為迷失的孩子們指明了成全之路。在完成了他的神聖使命之後,祂回到天父身旁。祂委托給教會的使徒繼續祂的任務和工作後,在教會中,祂的神聖使命在良好的刋物中得以延續。(AE, 382-383) Jesus Christ, the Father’s apostle, came down from heaven to show the way of wholeness to his lost children. At the completion of his divine mission, having entrusted to the Church the task of continuing his work, he returned to the Father. In the Church… his divine mission is perpetuated in the promotion […]


使徒研究人類和國家的重要精神及道德需求,然後他寫下來,透過印刷的宣講台來推廣,就像講道者在教會的講道台上一樣。使徒把他從天主白白得來的東西,也白白地分施。(AE, 383) The apostle studies the important spiritual and moral needs of peoples and nations; then he writes and promotes from the pulpit of the press, just like the preacher from the church pulpit. The apostle gives freely what he has freely received from God (AE, 383).


我們的推廣不是商業行為,因為它不是商品或利益交換,它的目的不是為了利潤或賺錢,而是為了天主的光榮和人類的永恆救恩。(AE, 383) Promotion is not business because there is no barter of goods and money; its aim is not gain but God’s glory and the eternal salvation of human beings (AE, 383).