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出版的使徒必須為所有離開教會的人帶來光明,為他們回歸教會鋪平道路。以兄弟之愛,帶著好牧人的良善之心,去尋找迷失的羊,把牠扛在肩上,帶回羊舍。 To all those in error the apostle with the editions must bring light, pave the way for their return to the Catholic Church, with fraternal charity, with the goodness of the Good Shepherd who goes in search of the lost sheep, takes it on his shoulders and brings it back to the sheepfold (UPS […]


修會永遠不該降格、貶低自己成工商業;而應常保持人神之間的福傳層面,以牧民精神及最迅速、最有成效的方法來做事。 The Congregation must never lower itself to the level of an industry, of a trade; but always remain at the human-divine level of the apostolate, exercised with the fastest and most fruitful means, in a pastoral spirit (CISP, pp. 808-809).


感謝梵蒂岡第二屆大公會議的召開,教會對於自己和其創立者耶稣基督委託的使命有了更深的認識:就如親身感受到耶穌基督一樣。(換句話說,教會的自身與使命就是基督的奧體) Thanks to the Second Vatican Council, the Church has better known herself and the mission entrusted to her by the Founder Jesus Christ: she felt Jesus Christ himself (CISP, p.338).


修會與教區聖職人員之間在聖召方面的合作非常重要,也有利於教區聖職人員和修會聖職人員之間的團結及合作。 The union of work between religious institutes and diocesan clergy for vocations is of great importance and also favours the union of collaboration, then, between the diocesan clergy and the religious clergy (AP 1962, p. 112).


早期,每次開完大公會議之後,教父們就感到更加團結、更有力量,更確信自己是活躍和有負責感的成員;視野擴展,關切普世全人類的情況。 After the Council, the Fathers felt more united and stronger, more persuaded to be alive, active, responsible members; the horizon widened over all humanity (CISP, p. 338).


毅力,意味著要有恆心,不要一遇到困難就灰心喪志,不要因為無人來,就立即放棄;就算只有兩三個人來都要歡迎。牧羊女知道自己身負特殊職務。如果其他人不做,她就做;如果他們不來,她就去找他們。 Fortitude. It means constancy, not to be discouraged at the first difficulties and not to stop immediately because people don’t come; welcome even two or three ... The shepherdess knows she has a special office. If the others don’t do, she does; if they do not come, go to look for them (PrP VII, […]


每當以自己做的事情為榮時,就是破壞團體的生活。團體生活是要集合眾人的力量、智慧、才能、建議。 When there is pride to do it oneself, then it is a way doing that cancels common life. Common life is to put together resources, intelligence, ability, advice (FSP59, p. 216).


耶穌善牧、道路、真理及生命,請垂顧憐視祢的羊群,以祢福音的智慧光照我們,以祢的榜樣堅強我們,以祢的聖體滋養我們,使我們為了天主的光榮及人靈的得救,充滿熱忱。 MONTHLY INTENTION O Jesus good Shepherd, Way, Truth and Life, turn a merciful glance on your sheep. Enlighten us with the wisdom of your Gospel, strengthen us with your examples, nourish us with the Eucharist, fill us with zeal for the glory of God and the salvation of men (Prayers of the PF)


我們的生活不應該只服務少數人的幸福,對於多數人卻造成負擔;要盡力付出為了每個人、為了自身及其他人的福祉:所以,要親和地對待每個人。 Our life is not meant to be a burden for many, a feast for a few; but it is a commitment towards everyone, for their own betterment and for the good of others: therefore sociability (ACV, p. 137).


有一些人,他們在任何環境都講出有信仰意義的話語。世俗不理解他們,認為他們是愚昧的。世人不是把許多聖人和身為智慧的耶穌導師當作傻瓜嗎? There are souls who speak the language of faith in all circumstances. Souls that the world does not understand and believes that they are foolish. Did not many saints and Wisdom itself, Jesus Master, were judged as mad? (ACV, p. 53).


我們保祿家庭的各修會之間,有著密切的親戚關係,因為全都來自聖體龕。有同一個精神,也就是活於耶穌基督,為教會服務。彼此之間有精神、理智、道德和經濟上的密切合作。 There is a close relationship between the Congregations, because they are all born from the Tabernacle. One spirit: to live Jesus Christ, and to serve the Church ... Between them there is a close spiritual, intellectual, moral and economic collaboration (AD, 34).