可以在編輯上、技術上,或發行方面合作。從你所在的處境開始起步,隨著道路跟著走吧! Collaboration can be given both to the editorial, to the technical and to the propaganda sectors. From here on, follow this road (FSP-SdC, p. 73).
可以在編輯上、技術上,或發行方面合作。從你所在的處境開始起步,隨著道路跟著走吧! Collaboration can be given both to the editorial, to the technical and to the propaganda sectors. From here on, follow this road (FSP-SdC, p. 73).
你們將知道如何尊重他人——「仁愛不思邪念」這句話說得好;因此人能夠善思、善意、善言、善行,知道如何與別人互相幫助——當家庭在國家立足後,更會顧及他人。 Knowing how to respect oneself: the saying «charity does not think of evil» applies very well here; therefore: «to think well, to desire well, to speak well, to do good». Knowing how to help: when a family is established in one nation, prepare the entry for the others (ACV, p. 152).
這幾天,我相信聖經已經完成印刷,之後會出平裝本和精裝本。你們要下定决心多讀聖經,因為凡是讀聖經的人,特别是在朝拜聖體中,會受超性精神的影響,說出屬神的話語。 These days I believe the Bible printing is completed. Then there will be paperback and the binding. Make a resolution to read the Bible more, because whoever reads the Bible, especially during the Visit, after supernatural reasons, speaks the Word of God (FSP58, p. 412).
你生活在團體中,與其他會士經歷同樣的講道、指引、教育、活動、長上、食物,但你們彼此之間的想法卻可能相去甚遠,這是多大的反差啊! What a contrast when you live in community with the same preaching, guide, school, activities, superiors, food, but the thoughts of one and the other can be very far away (CISP, p.132).
就教會而言,交流的真正基礎在於「一個奧體」。這不只涉及對外的關係,還有內部關係:教會成員同樣流著耶穌的血,也就是同樣擁有祂的超性生命,活力每一個人。因此,是一個有許多肢體的身體。 As for the Church, the real foundation of sociability is the doctrine of the Mystical Body. It is not just a question of external relations: but the same blood of Jesus circulates among the living members of the Church, that is, his very life, which animates everyone: so as to be one body with […]
首先培養出明智、公義、親和力的人,尤其是培育跟随耶穌、道路、真理及生命的基督徒。再來是有聖德的修道人,在團體生活中、在實踐福音勸諭中、在保祿家庭的使徒工作中,走向完善。 Form first the wise, just, sociable man ... Above: place the Christian, who follows Jesus Christ, Way, Truth and Life ... Add to it the holy religious, who tends to perfection in common life, in the practice of the evangelical counsels , in the Pauline apostolate (ACV, p. 130).
耶穌導師,求祢聖化我的理智,加強我的信德。耶穌,祢是教會的導師,求祢引領眾人到祢的學校。耶穌導師,求祢從錯謬與虛榮的幻想、及永遠的幽暗中救援我們。 Jesus Master, sanctify my mind and increase my faith. Jesus, teacher in the Church, draw everyone to your school. Jesus Master, free me from error, from vain thoughts and from eternal darkness (Prayers of the PF).
要心甘情願地與姊妹們在一起,就算是那些欠缺親和力的人,甚至是那些讓妳不開心的人。不只是頭腦要有善良的念頭,而且還要有善良的意志、善良的言詞。全部要盡善盡美。 Be of good will to your sisters even with the less sociable ones, even with those that make you feel bad. Not only you think well, but desire good, speak well, and do good when you can (APD47, 528).
耶穌是好牧人,因為祂召叫人,並拯救他們,祂以自己餵養世人:「我是天上的食糧。」瑪利亞把耶穌給了全人類:包含世界上所有過去、現在、將來的人。 Jesus is the Good Shepherd because he calls souls and saves them, he feeds them on himself: «I am the bread from heaven». Mary gave Jesus to all humanity, those who lived, live, will live (PrP VIII, p. 82).
靈魂得以聖化,仰賴我們在天主內的轉變。每天以道路、真理和生命的耶穌基督,來滋養我們自己,透過耶穌基督這食糧「與衪成為一神」。(參格前六17) The sanctifying action of the soul lies in our transformation into God, «so that man might become God» through the food Jesus Christ: nourishing ourselves every day with Jesus Christ, way, truth, life (DF, 11).
亞洲和非洲深深觸動了他。人越開放自己,對於那些窮人——少了耶穌基督天賜恩寵的人——的需要,感受就越多、越深刻。當人進入與主的親密關係時,這種感覺會更加強烈。 Asia and Africa struck him the most. The more did man get rid of himself, the more deeply and widely he feels the needs of the poor who do not possess the heavenly gifts brought from heaven to men through Jesus Christ. And this feeling is most alive when one enters into intimacy with […]
我們是天主的代言人,我們是祂的信使,祂的郵差,把祂的信帶給人。 We are the voice of God, we are his messengers, his postmen who bring his letter to men (Viviamo in Cristo Gesù, p. 73).