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我們勤讀聖保祿的書信,就能清楚明白他的想法:他的論證和他所寫的每一句話,都是符合基督的;亦即把福音的神聖教導應用在生活和所處的環境中。 If we read the Letters of St. Paul we understand well what was his thinking: his reasoning, and every word he wrote, was conformed to Christ; it was an application of the divine doctrine of the Gospel to life, to circumstances (AP 1958/1, p.175).


聖保祿擅長組織及福傳。他傳教旅程結束後,在所經過的地方建立了監督和長老(主教和司鐸)——神聖牧者們的組織架構的雛形。 Saint Paul was a powerful organizer of good and the apostolate. He established a magnificent network of bishops and priests in the places of his missions at the end of his journeys: a network of holy pastors (APim, p. 29).


必須捨棄一切——想法、喜好、傾向、處事的方式等等,得以獲取新的心、新的思想和新的處事方式……。在此,成功的典範有瑪利亞、耶穌和聖保祿。 You have to give up everything: your way of thinking, the preferences you had, the trends and then the ways of dealing; you have to have a new heart, a new mind and a new way of working.... And the examples are there: Mary, Jesus, Saint Paul (AP 1960, p. 98).


聖體是偉大的轉化工具:在其中,靈魂感到與耶穌親近,在其中,靈魂接受耶穌的想法,感受到耶稣的心和耶穌的意願。 Communion is a great means for transformation: it is there that the soul feels close to Jesus, it is there that the soul adopts the way of thinking of Jesus and the feelings of Jesus’ heart and the will of Jesus (AP 1960, p. 100).


願保祿家庭完全接枝在基督內。我們決不可離開基督——祂是神聖的橄欖樹、結果實的橄欖樹。無論是一個月、一星期或甚至一天,都不可以不來取食這生命之糧。 May the Pauline Family be completely grafted into Christ. InChrist, the holy olive, the fruit-bearing olive... Let us never leave, neither for a month, nor for a week, nor for a day, without coming to eat this bread of life (FSP59, p. 90).


聖保祿對人靈的愛表現在「基督的愛催迫著我們」這句話,敦促他為一切人成為一切。他感受到所有人的需要和喜樂。 St. Paul’s great love for souls is expressed in that «Caritas Christi urget nos» which urges him to do everything to everyone. He experienced the needs of all, the joys of all (RSP, p. 274).


福傳工作使我們成為天主的擴音器。司鐸、作家、技術人員、行銷宣傳人員依照會憲文件的精神,團結在一起,共同完成教會交給我們的使命。 The apostolate makes us the loudspeakers of God. Priests, writers, technicians, propagandists are united in a single apostolate, according to the spirit and the letter of the Constitutions; in the mission that the Church has entrusted to us (CISP, p. 809).


現在全世界的人、青年或政治界等等,每天都接受教會以外的學說,他們透過收音機聆聽非教會的理論;過去看電影的,現在轉向看電視。我們要培養自己敏銳覺察時代,以及我們對人靈的責任…… Develop a sensitive and realistic awareness of the times and our duties to souls. Today the whole world, the youth, the ruling class, receive every day other doctrines, listen to other theories on the radio, watch every movie show, turn to television... (CISP, p. 807).


只有一個身體:即使在物質方面,也要彼此幫忙,如此是幫助了修會整體。只有一個精神:也就是你們都採用同樣的祈禱方式。只有一個希望:就是追求至善,邁向【將得到百倍的賞報並擁有永生】的目標。 Only one body: even in material things, one to help the others, and to help the whole Institute. Only one spirit: the same way of praying. One single hope, and that is all aimed at perfection, towards the «centuplum accipietis, et vitam aeternam possidebitis» (AP 1960, pp. 201-202).


聖保祿構思書信的內容,口述念給寫字的人,然後簽署書信;這些信件被傳到各個教會誦讀——好基督徒複製抄寫這些信;好基督徒傳閱這些信件。這些人實行出版使徒工作的真正職責。 Saint Paul conceived his letters and dictated them, reserving the right to sign them; good Christians multiplied them, copied them; good Christians circulated them. He exercised the true apostolate of publishing (CISP, p. 809).


聖保祿重用他人,在每座城市任命了值得尊敬的牧者:同樣,婦女們也為福傳工作而服務。在保祿書信中提到的人,是各個教會和大家應十分感謝的。 Taking help from others, Saint Paul ordained worthy priests in every city: Even the women served to spread the Gospel and some of them are remembered in his letters as people to whom the Church and souls were much indebted (APim, p.88).


在工作中,我希望全心全意地工作。我特别想向謙卑的耶稣祈求,希望祂能與我結合在一起,使我的生命成為祂的生命。 I want to work with all the alacrity of mind and heart, and of the task. Especially I want to pray so much to Jesus humble of heart, that He may be united with me and transform my life into His (Diario di D. Giaccardo, 15 June 1915).