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我們保祿家庭的各修會之間,有著密切的親戚關係,因為全都來自聖體龕。有同一個精神,也就是活於耶穌基督,為教會服務。彼此之間有精神、理智、道德和經濟上的密切合作。 There is a close relationship between the Congregations, because they are all born from the Tabernacle. One spirit: to live Jesus Christ, and to serve the Church ... Between them there is a close spiritual, intellectual, moral and economic collaboration (AD, 34).


保祿家庭的各修會在行政管理上雖各自獨立,但在許多方面彼此代禱,互相幫助。雖然各自行動,卻同憂同樂,同享永福。 There is separation between the Congregations; but there is an exchange of prayers, of help, in many ways: the activity is separate, but there will be a sharing in the joys and sufferings, and in the eternal reward (AD, 35).


希望你們完全屬於耶穌,以便頭腦完全像祂那樣思考、眼睛向祂那樣看事物,聽覺和其他感受皆是如此。 May your belonging to Jesus be total in order to consider everything as He is; the eyes see as the eyes of Jesus see, the same can be said of hearing and of any other sense (PrP, VIII, p. 57).


耶穌進入我們的心中,滋養我們的理智,牽引我們的靈魂,使靈魂充滿信德,能如同耶穌那樣思考。是的!你們必須教導他人關於天主的愛;首先領受天主的愛,進而操練,達到心靈與天主結合。 Jesus who comes to our heart, comes to nourish the intelligence and therefore comes to attract the soul so that this soul full of faith may think as Jesus thinks. Yes! You who must then teach others this love of God, first of all, obtain it, exercise it: the union of the mind with […]


凝聚我們的力量!團體生活不僅意味著吃喝同樣的飲食,養成相同的習慣,住同一棟房屋……。我們會把自己身上的某些特質帶進、輸入到修會裡,每人各自的部分也是為了成聖和使徒工作——使修會的目標更完整。 Put together the energies! Creating common life. This does not mean only: the same soup, the same habit, the same house ... There are qualities in us that we bring into the Congregation and is channelized into the Congregation, for the purposes of the Congregation, that is, sanctification and apostolate ( FSP59, p. 217).


耶穌司祭和祂的母親瑪利亞,在救贖計畫裡常聯合在一起,因此在恩寵寶庫裡也始終在一起——直到末日,瑪利亞都是恩寵的中保和分施者。 Jesus the Priest and Mary his Mother are always united in the plan of redemption: and therefore they always remain united in the economy of grace: Mary is the mediator and distributor of grace until the end of times (APD46, 25).


天主的生命是藉著耶穌基督、由聖神傳遞給我們,所以我們有必要與耶穌基督共融合一,以便與祂一起同在祂的父和聖神內。 Since divine life is communicated to us by the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ, it is necessary that we incorporate ourselves into Jesus Christ to be with him and in him of the Father in the Holy Spirit (AE, 85).


一名病人即使無法做大事,甚至必須完全依靠别人,也能成為偉大的聖人。可能有人說:「他什麼都没做。」不,相反地,他做了很多事情;他與耶穌結合在一起,他做了一切。 Even a sick person who cannot accomplish great things and who must expect everything from others, can become a great saint. But it will be said: «He did nothing». Instead, he did a lot; he did everything: he was united with Jesus (RSP, p. 、152).


修會是一個社會。社會的意思是:成員們相親相愛,共負重擔,共享利益,不分彼此地一起合作。當然,存在著性格、教育、年齡等各方面的差異,但為了和平共處,要克服很多事情。 The Congregation is a society. Society means: the members love each other, they share the same burdens and the same advantages, but they all collaborate together without distinction. Of course, there are always differences in character, education, age etc. But for peace, overlook many things (FSP59, p. 259).


如果你們能持守謙遜,你們會比那些驕矜的哲學家、世上的偉人、自私自利的人要幸福得多。 If you know how to keep yourself in humility, how much more fortunate you will be than the proud philosophers, or the great ones of the world, full of themselves! (APD47, 39).


會面、聆聽、相互尊重、意向純正,這些條件將是了解情況、達成和平、結出豐碩果實的方法。 Meeting, listening, considering each other, and right intention, will be ways of understanding, of peace, of greater fruit (ACV, p. 153).


在天上的瑪利亞是恩竉的中保和分施者,她為所有的孩子著想、為所有的孩子提供食物、為所有的孩子祈禱、給所有的孩子一切的助佑和援助。無論是哪個時代、哪個地區的孩子。 Mary in heaven is the mediator and distributor of grace ... She thinks of all her children, provides for all her children, prays for all her children, give all her children all help and assistance. To the children of all times and of all places (BM,p. 397).