我們的生活是入世的;我們必須在社會上實行使徒工作並聖化各種關係。 Our life unfolds mostly in society; and it is in society that we must exercise the apostolate and sanctify relationships (ACV, p. 138).
我們的生活是入世的;我們必須在社會上實行使徒工作並聖化各種關係。 Our life unfolds mostly in society; and it is in society that we must exercise the apostolate and sanctify relationships (ACV, p. 138).
基督宗教本身就是道路、真理和生命,必須要與人分享這些。每個人都要相信耶穌、跟隨耶穌,與耶穌連繫在一起。 In itself, Christianity is way, truth and life, and this must be shared with souls. Everyone must believe in Jesus, follow Jesus, and join Jesus (FSP61*, p. 146).
保持團結需要謙遜。我們很容易以為自己的才是好的,並把它絕對化。別忘了,每個人身上都有好的一面。 Humility is necessary to maintain unity. We are very much inclined to look at all the good in us and to inflate it. There is something good in everyone (FSP-SdC, p. 87).
瑪利亞是宗徒,是諸宗徒之后,是每項使徒工作的典範,是所有使徒美德的激發者。願天堂向她歌頌!願大地詠唱!藉著她、偕同她並在她內,願所有的讚美都歸於天主聖三。 Mary is therefore: the Apostle, the Queen of Apostles, the exemplary one in every apostolate, the inspirer of all apostolic virtues. Let heaven sing to her! Let the earth sing! And let all praise go up to the Most Holy Trinity for her and with her and in her (CISP, p. 38).
我們要記得,耶穌曾四次向天父請求「願眾人合而為一」;使徒們彼此合為一體,我指的是所有母親與天上之母聯合在一起;然後,所有信徒相信宗徒們的宣講。 Let us remember that Jesus asked the heavenly Father four times: «Ut unum sint», that the apostles may be one among themselves, and I want to say the mothers may be one with the Mother; and then the faithful who would have believed the apostles’ preaching: «Ut unum sint» (AAP60, 208).
瑪利亞與耶穌住在家裡。她分享耶穌所有的渴望、目標、意願及計畫。你們要進入與至聖聖體的密切關係中,你們要比別人更瞭解天上導師內心的奧祕。 Mary lived in the house with Jesus. She shared in all the desires, aims, intentions and plans of Jesus. By entering into intimacy with the Sacred Host you must, more than others understand the secrets of the Divine Master’s heart (APD47,89).
如果今年你要編寫一些關於瑪利亞的書,那麼請你想一想,你所排的每個鉛字、印刷機的運轉、出版書的每個工作和行銷,都是獻給瑪利亞的敬禮,是實行瑪利亞的福傳工作。 If during the course of the year you have to compose some book about Mary, then think that every typeface you set, every rolling of the printing machine, every work of paperbacks and propaganda, is a homage to offer to Mary: it is to carry out the Marian apostolate (RSP, p. 434).
對使徒來說,朝拜聖體就像一名聽眾,一所學校,在這裡,門徒或部屬與天上導師來往。 The visit to the Blessed Sacrament for the Apostle is like an audience, a classroom, where the disciple or minister interacts with the Divine Master (ACV, p. 103).
在瑪利亞的保護之下學習,並不時地舉目仰望瑪利亞;在瑪利亞的保護之下從事使徒工作,且常常呼求她的名字。獻給瑪利亞的慈善與內修事工:她是我們的庇蔭,整天都在她的保護之下。 The studies under Mary’s protection: and raise our gaze to Mary from time to time; the apostolate under Mary’s protection: and repeat from time to time ejaculations to her name. The work of piety and the interior work offered to Mary: the whole day «under your protection we take refuge» (RSP, p. 434).
聖保祿是偉大的福音詮釋者和福傳者。他由天上導師的直接啟示理解福音,他是萬民的導師。繼耶穌基督之後,救恩的真理開始廣傳,像一道河流,源源不絕地奔向大海,支流匯入,流域漸漸擴大,並為所及之處帶來效益和聖德。 Saint Paul was the greatest interpreter and preacher of the Gospel. He understood it in the revelation of the Divine Master, he was Doctor and Master of nations. After Jesus Christ the truth that saves began to spread and flow as a river that is always fed by the source and that in its […]
我們要感謝你們的會祖,可親可敬的雅各‧雅培理神父,他建立了你們這個大家庭。因基督之名,我們感謝他,祝福他。他謙遜、寡言、孜孜不倦、總是保持警醒、收斂心神、奔波在祈禱與工作之間,時常留意「時代的徵兆」。——教宗保祿六世 We owe to your founder, to the dear and venerated Fr. James Alberione, the creation of your monumental Institute. In the name of Christ, we thank him and bless him. Here he is humble, silent, tireless, always vigilant, always recollected in his thoughts, running from prayer to work, always intent on scrutinizing the «signs […]
在超性德行中,第三個是愛德,一方面它最為困難,另一方面,功勞卻最為豐厚,也是唯一永世長存的。 Among the theological virtues, the third one, charity, is the virtue that on the one hand is the most difficult and, on the other, the richest in merit and is also the only one that remains forever (APD56, 448).