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與瑪利亞共融生活是向她學習最為澈底的方式。結合於瑪利亞,完全活出耶穌,是我們對聖母瑪利亞至高、至虔敬的敬禮。(Pr 2, 169-170) Certainly the most profound imitation is made by those who live the life of union with Mary. This is the highest and most sanctifying form of our devotion to Mary: life of union; united with Mary to live Jesus fully (Pr 2, 169-170).


瑪利亞會問我們:「你是我的孩子嗎?那就做個懂得感恩的、可愛的、孝順的孩子;做個惦記著我的孩子;做個熱心尊敬我的孩子。當你離開人世,到了天堂時,我會歡迎你如同歡迎我兒一樣。」(Pr 2, 171) Mary... asks us: «Are you my son? Be a grateful, loving, devoted child; be a son who often thinks of me; be a son who is zealous for my honour. And I will welcome you as a son when you depart from this life for the next» (Pr 2,171).


歡欣鼓舞吧!因為耶穌基督把一位老師——也就是教會——託付給人類,以繼續祂正確無誤的教導。祂在升天之前點亮了永不熄滅的燈,這盞燈就是教會,教會屹立不搖。(Pr 2, 14) May men rejoice because Jesus Christ has left to humanity the Church, Teacher, to continue his infallible teaching. Before going up to Heaven, He lit a lamp that will not be extinguished: the unfailing Church (Pr 2, 14).


明達之恩是聖神超性的光芒,向我們展示信仰真理如何值得相信,即便只是出於自然律而被接受。明達也會引導我們將自己從人間提升到天堂那裡。(Pr 2, 120) The gift of knowledge is a supernatural light of the Holy Spirit, which shows us how the truth of faith is worthy of being believed, of being accepted also for reasons derived from the natural order, and leads us to rise from the things of the earth towards God, towards heaven (Pr […]


保祿家庭代表活於今日的聖保祿,他在愛天主和愛近人兩條誡命上,以「基督生活在我內」這完美的方式,展現了完整的基督。(ACV, 62) The Pauline Family proposes to represent and live St Paul today... He lived the two precepts of love for God and neighbour in a way so perfect as to show Christ himself: «Christ lives in me» (ACV, 62).


剛毅之恩是聖神賦予我們意志的恆常美德,幫助我們克服實踐美德的阻礙……它特別注入於我們的意志,使我們堅定行善。(Pr 2, 113) The gift of fortitude is a permanent virtue that the Holy Spirit communicates to our will, to overcome the obstacles that would distance us from the practice of the virtues... He especially infuses our will and makes it robust to do good (Pr 2, 113).


耶穌讓瑪利亞成為人類的母親。母親賦予孩子生命;母親餵養孩子;母親保護孩子,給他穿衣服,尚未齊全的東西為他預備妥當。至聖母親賜予我們所有天上的恩寵,這是她的職責。(Pr 2, 178-179) Jesus made Mary mother of men... The mother gives life to her son; the mother feeds her child; the mother defends the child, dresses him and provides him with everything that the child is not yet able to obtain. Here is the office of our most holy Mother: she procures for us […]


瑪利亞,內修生活的宗徒;瑪利亞,神聖典範的宗徒;瑪利亞,受苦的宗徒;瑪利亞,關鍵發言的宗徒;瑪利亞,行動的宗徒:聖母瑪利亞的一生全是使徒工作,且尚未結束;此刻,這使徒工作在天堂仍然繼續著。(Pr 1, 129) Mary, the Apostle of interior life; Mary, the Apostle for her most holy examples; Mary, the Apostle for her suffering; Mary, the Apostle for her word; Mary, the Apostle for her action: Mary’s whole life is an apostolate, and this apostolate is not finished; this apostolate continues now in heaven (Pr 1, […]


如果聖神傾注更多的恩賜,那麼一個人就會以愉快、慷慨的精神走在聖德的路上;這時雖然有現實的困難與重擔,但我們幾乎不覺得沉重。(Pr 2, 120) If the Holy Spirit pours out his gifts abundantly, then onewalks with a cheerful, generous soul in the way of holiness; one hardly feels the weight, although in reality the weight, difficulties always accompany us (Pr 2, 120).


她是萬物之母;她是使徒的顧問;她是安慰者,不斷地鼓勵他們:她在世的歲月裡,她真正的使徒工作是自己的聖德榜樣。她偉大的使徒工作,就是使徒和教友們從她那裡學到如何實踐和活出福音。(Pr 1, 128) She was the Mother of all, she was the counsellor of the Apostles, she was their consoler; she continually encouraged them: and her own example of her holiness, in those years as long as she remained on earth, was a true apostolate. A great apostolate: the Apostles and the faithful learned from […]


聖神必須傾注上智、明達、超見和剛毅之恩:因為若少了來自天主的光,即便是最神聖的事物,也會不被重視。(Pr 1, 116) It is necessary that the Holy Spirit infuse his wisdom, his knowledge, the gift of counsel and strength: because, when there is no light that proceeds from God, even the holiest things are little esteemed (Pr 1, 116).


瑪利亞的使徒工作更為人熟知,因為我們知道晚餐廳裡,她坐在宗徒與門徒中間,以王后的身分在他們面前祈禱,鼓勵他們懷抱希望,並相信耶穌的應許。(Pr 1, 128) Mary’s apostolate is known even better when we see her seated among the Apostles in the Upper Room and there, as Queen, preceding them in prayer, encouraging them to hope and believe in the promises that Jesus had made (Pr1, 128).