全體成員都要與家中(修會內)的領導者合作;但當導師(長上)也聆聽他人的想法、感受、觀察和建議時,就更容易合作了。這需要謙遜。 All are to collaborate with those who guide the house; but it is easier to collaborate when the superior also listens to the thoughts, feelings, observations and advice. It requires humility (FSP-SdC, p. 351).
在每天不同的工作中,我們的意向是:將自己與耶穌基督聯合在一起,偕同祂,在祂內,實行使徒工作,成為傳播祂的真理、道路和生命的擴音器。 In our daily and varied toil we have the intention: to unite ourselves to Jesus Christ and, with him and in him, carry out the apostolate as loud speakers who transmit his truth, his way, his life (ACV, pp. 189-190).
基督徒的生活必須嫁接在基督身上;基督是真理、道路和生命,這是容易理解的;思想接枝到基督的思想內,意志接枝在基督的意志裡,心接枝在基督的心中。這樣,到了審判時,人會發現自己與基督的肖像相符。 It is easy to desire that Christian life must be grafted into Christ: now, Christ is Truth, Way and Life; the mind grafted into the mind of Christ, the will into the will of Christ, the heart into the heart of Christ. Thus the man at the judgment will be found conforming to the […]
耶穌基督,我們的導師,請啟發我們的理智,讓我們理解和默想神聖的聖經。使我們的意志順服於祢温柔的榜樣和規戒……。主啊,讓我認識祢,愛慕祢,與祢一起生活,永遠享有祢…… Jesus Christ, our Master, enlighten our minds to understand and meditate on the Divine Scriptures. Render our wills docile to the examples and the precepts of your gentleness... O Lord, may I know you, love you, live in you and may I enjoy you forever in eternity (Prayers of the PF).
童貞聖母給了我們救主。(「給」含有「編輯」的意味)動詞「編輯」涵蓋美學層面,研究製作既符合禮儀又兼具藝術性的物品。亦包括修女們的工作,她們預備給兒童講授教理,慈祥和藹地向他們具體解釋。 The Blessed Virgin gave us the Saviour. It uses the verb “edidit”. The publication includes the creative concept, the study to produce an object that is at the same time liturgical and artistic. It also includes the work of the Sisters who prepare themselves to teach catechism to children more effectively, and in charity, […]
愛吧!每天更多一點。以耶穌基督為榜樣去愛,再加上我們團結一家的原因:我們有聖保祿的心。 Love. Love always more. Love after the example of Jesus Christ, adding the reason that we are united as a single family: we have the heart of St. Paul (RSP, p. 187).
我們的福傳工作應是謙遜的:直到使出所有的才能;直到我們為愛天主和人靈的益處,而全力勤奮地展開工作。 Let our apostolate be humble: it is enough that we use in it all the talents we have received; it is enough that we perform it with diligence for the love of God and for the good of souls (RSP, p. 149).
使徒知道何時揭開遮蓋聖母內在生活的面紗,看清她是多麼純樸。她的生活總結起來,應該是每位基督徒的理想:一切都是為了耶穌,偕同耶穌,在耶穌內…… The apostle will know the time and place to remove the veil that hides from our gaze the inner life of the Virgin Mary and highlight how uncomplicated and orderly it is... A life that can be summed up in what should be the ideal of every Christian: All for Jesus, all with Jesus, […]
「傳教士必須具備牧民色彩」是什麼意思呢?就是擁有能夠瞭解靈魂價值的這種思維。 To comprehend what one means when one emphasizes: «The apostolate must have a pastoral colour». What does it mean? To have this mentality: to know the value of souls (FSP61*, p. 165).
祈求耶穌賜予我們善牧之心,也就是為人靈而奉獻生命。憐憫慈悲是無窮無盡的,永不結束。 Ask Jesus for his charity as a Good Shepherd, that is, to give your life for souls. «Charity will never end» (PrP VIII, p. 91).
在聖體內,耶穌基督與我們連結在一起,把我們變成祂。「不是我們把耶穌變成我們的物質,而是耶穌把我們變成祂」……。耶穌自己與我們結合在一起,變化我們,並使我們和祂形成一心一體。 In Communion Jesus unites himself with us in order to transform us into himself... «It is Jesus that transforms us into Himself and not we that transform Him into our substance. The superior being is the one who assimilates the inferior». Jesus unites Himself with us to transform us and to make us with […]
有個可怕的敵人,它經常破壞並掌控教育、學習、倡導等各個領域;它被稱為獨立自主的精神,導致人們按照自己的觀點行事,不向他人尋求諮詢或建議;對自己的想法過度自信。 A terrible enemy that entraps and often dominates in every sphere education, study, initiatives, administrations, etc., is the spirit of self-sufficiency, that leads to proceed according to one’s own viewpoint, without consulting or getting advice. It has all its confidence in its own ideas (CISP, p. 335).
在一些團體內,人們總是面帶微笑;在那裡,你可以看到所有的人都平靜和睦;你覺得那裡真的有種保祿家庭的氣氛:親切的、相互理解的、憐憫的,不斷彼此互相幫助。天主住在那裡,姐妹們與祂一起生活。 In some houses there is always a smile; there one sees a serenity in all of them; one feels that there is truly a Pauline environment, cordial, of mutual understanding, piety, and of constant and mutual help. There resides the Lord and the sisters dwell with the Lord (FSP-SdC, p. 355).
教宗若望二十三世這位好教宗永遠留在我們心中。紀念他的方式,就是承諾去學習和遵循他在《慈母與導師》及《和平於世》通諭中留給我們的教導。但最重要的是,我們致力遵循他作為好牧人所給予我們的榜樣。 The memory of the good Pope (John XXIII) remains with us always. And in his memory, there is the commitment to study and follow the teachings he taught us in the Encyclical Mater et Magistra and Pacem in Terris. But above all, there remains a commitment to follow the example that he left us […]
團體是什麼意思?它意味著聚集……如果修會的精神擴及到全體身上,全體在聖神的行動中工作,大家的意向純正,並且首先致力於個人的成聖和修會的使徒工作,天主對此將十分高興。 What does the Congregation mean? It means an assembly... And it pleases the Lord if His Spirit is diffused in all of them and all of them work under the action of the Holy Spirit, always with the right intention and always in the desire that the first two articles be practiced: individual sanctification […]
耶穌毫不厭倦地寬恕,而且每週、每天都在寬恕我們;讓我們去寬恕他人,如同我們希望自己被主寬恕那樣。 Jesus forgave with such breadth and he forgives us every week, every day: let us forgive others as we want to be forgiven ourselves (AP 1959, p. 126).
追求聖善不代表要貶低他人,而是自身在謙卑、信德和愛中提升到天主前。為了高舉自己而壓迫他人是自私的行為。 To strive for holiness is not to lower others, it is to raise ourselves up to God in humility and in faith and love. To lower others in order to elevate ourselves is, after all, the very essence of selfishness (APD56, 291).
一個人進步的標記是他更加瞭解自己,因為在他更瞭解自己之前,他不會改變,甚至不會想到自己需要改進。 The sign that one is progressing is precisely that of getting to know one another better, because until one gets to know each other better, one does not change or even suspect that one has to improve (FSP58, p. 246).
理論、思維模式、推理和行動、使徒的職務,這些必須是一個整體;我們不能把一件事情與另一件事情分開。 The discussion, the ways of thinking, reasoning, and action, the exercise of the apostolate, must form a whole, we cannot separate one thing from the other (FSP58, p. 146).
你以慷慨的心說:「我全然獻出自己,我奉獻,我奉獻我的一切。」奉獻的價值繫於這樣的態度——全部!就是全心全意地愛主,以全部的力量,全部的意志去愛主。 You have said with generous heart the words: «I wholly give, offer, consecrate myself». The value of the offering lies especially in this adjective: whole, which means loving the Lord with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your strength, and with all your will (AAP60, 634).
所有的人都蒙召成聖。只有一個召叫,所以只有一個身體:你們要感到彼此是一個身體及合一的精神,正如你們蒙召,同有一個希望一樣。(參弗四4) All are called to holiness. And just as there is only one vocation, so there is only one body: consider yourselves a moral body; a single spirit: a union of spirits; like a single hope... (AP 1958/2, p. 141).
賈卡鐸神父進入聖保祿會,他的名字前面加上「導師」這個稱號時,他把自己導向天上導師;他明白了自己的職責是什麼;他忠信地履行了這項職責。 Master Giaccardo not only had a great heart, but also a broad mind. When he entered the Society of Saint Paul and to him was added as ordinary title that of “Master”, he oriented himself toward the divine Master and understood what role he had to fill; and he accomplished it faithfully (RSP, p.348).
玫瑰經祈禱十分容易又有效果,無論何時何地皆可做,適合所有人。你們要祈求知道如何善念玫瑰經,默想每端奥蹟,在每個奥蹟中祈求特别的恩典。 Devotion to the rosary is a devotion that is easy, efficacious, and adapted to all times, places, and persons. Each mystery proposes for us teaching to extract, a virtue to practice, a grace to ask (RSP, p. 61).
「捨棄自己」並不捨掉對他人的義務,而是向外擴展,許多時候在接受職務,為團體、為修會服務時,需要自我犠牲。 This self-denial is not confined to obligations towards one another but extends outwards. Self-denial is often a requisite for taking up an office and offering one’s services for the needs of the community and the Congregation. «One heart, one soul» (UPS IV, 221).
在各方面,賈卡鐸父神父對保祿家庭的貢獻功不可沒。他瞭解印刷使徒工作的各方需要、條件和效果。他甚至在進入修會之前就已經瞭解這個未來修會的精神。他真是雷主教給修會的禮物。 The Pauline Family owes a great debt to Father Timothy Giaccardo; and from every point of view. He had understood the necessity, the conditions, the efficacy of the apostolate of the press, in its various forms. He had completely understood the spirit of the future Congregation, even before he joined. He was a gift […]
耶穌公開傳教生活之始,門徒第一次來找祂,那天的拜訪改變了他們的人生。這是朝拜聖體的原型。所以,朝拜聖體時,耶穌會在一個人的靈魂中激發出珍貴的效果。 This is the first visit to Jesus which marked his public life: a one-day visit. It changed them. It was the first model of the Visit. It highlights the precious benefits that the Visit to Jesus produces in a soul (UPS II, 104).
如果我們心中沒有仁愛的真正意念,也沒有我們必須去愛的真正原因,我們就不會得到愛。首先要改變思想,接著我們的情會隨之改變。因此,改變想法,重整心思,之後我們整個生命才會得到仁愛。 We do not acquire love if we do not have in our minds the true concept of charity and the true reasons why we must love. The first reform must be done in our thoughts, the second in our feelings. Then reform the thoughts, then will come the reformation of the heart... and then […]
人類的智慧應與天主的智慧緊密相連,得以被信仰之光照亮,在上天的光華中去看萬事萬物,評判一切。 Human intelligence should adhere in such a way to God’s intelligence as to be enlightened with the radiance of faith and be able to see all and judge all in God’s light (AE, 80).
父親般的探訪視察……是被期待的探訪,是渴望已久的相見,猶如一縷陽光,照亮一切。探訪視察越頻繁,成果就越多。 There are paternal visitations... These are visits that are awaited, meetings that are longed for; they are like a ray of sunlight that brightens up everything. The greater the frequency the better will be the results (UPS III, 77).
保祿會士的福傳工作需要强大的編輯、技術人員和行銷團隊。需要彼此達至和諧,就像藝術家在展示一件美麗的藝術品一樣。 The Pauline apostolate calls for an effective group of writers, technical people, and distributors. Everyone must be in harmony just like orchestra players tune-up before giving a performance (UPS I, 288).
祈禱的生命是持續的呼吸,就像我們必須不斷地呼吸空氣一樣。因此,我們常把天主的精神放在我們前面,並越來越摒除人性的一面,也就是只由人的感性或理性所推動的精神。然後,靈魂依照信德來推理和思考。 The life of prayer is continuous breathing, as we must continuously breathe the air... And so, we will always put the Spirit of God in us and we will always drive out the human spirit, the spirit that is borne only by sensuality or human reasoning. The soul then reasons and thinks according to […]
出版的使徒必須用他的理智、心和意志去思考和工作,並且要與教會同感,從而按照教會的教導來寫作。簡言之,他對教會要有赤子之心,而教會對所有人則有慈母之心。 The publishing apostle must always incline his mind, heart, and will to think, work, and feel with the Church and, hence, to write in conformity with her teaching. In short, he has to have a childlike heart for her who has a mother’s heart for all (AE, 35).
不單只有外在的遵守,而要整個人歸向天主,整個人接枝到道路、真理和生命的基督上。直到「基督在我內生活」。在天主面前,每個人像是宴席的主人,讓自己成為大餐,全獻給主。 Let there be not only external observances but let all human beings go to God and let the whole person be grafted into Christ, the Way, Truth, and Life. Then: «Christ lives in me». And each one becomes, before God, a host, because there is the total offering of self to the Lord (APD58, […]
透過信德,人明瞭天上導師的心意,祂宣講並邀請所有人到祂身旁:「你們都到我這裡來吧!」;聖保祿,外邦人的導師,他開闊的胸襟懷抱著所有人;宗徒之后,她是所有天父孩子——傳教士、宣道者、使徒們——的嚮導。 By faith we understand: the Heart of the Divine Master, who preaches and invites all men to himself: «Come to me all»; St. Paul «Doctor of the Gentiles» was carrying in his large heart all men; the Queen of the Apostles who is a guide to all the children of the Heavenly Father, missionaries, […]