馬槽是耶穌的第一所學校,我要進入這所學校,學習祂天上的課程。(BM, p. 287). The manger is Jesus’ first school: I desire to enter it to learn his divine lessons (BM, p. 287).
主啊,請使我常行走在光明中……讓我在世上開始完美地崇敬祢至高的尊威,日後在天上也繼續進行。(BM, 521) Lord, let me always walk in the light... Allow me to begin on earth a perfect worship of your Majesty, so that I can continue it in heaven (BM, 521).
正如天主聖言在最聖潔的貞女子宮中取了血肉,聖體也是保存在最貴重的金屬聖體盒裡;所以,天主聖言被賦以最高貴的形式也是合宜的。(AE, 142) Just as the Word of God became incarnate in the most pure womb of the holiest of Virgins, and the Eucharist is kept in ciboria of precious metal, so is it fitting that the word of God be clothed in the noblest form (AE, 142).
想一想耶穌基督——天主之子——成為我們的道路,藉著跟隨祂,我們可以抵達天父和天堂的榮耀,我們承諾學習祂神聖的榜樣,在生活中效法實行。(AE, 96) Reflect that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, became our Way and that by following Him we can reach the Father and heavenly glory. Consequently, we promise to study these divine examples so as to reproduce them in our own life (AE, 96).
耶穌會拉比德神父(Cornelio A Lapide)說:福音是基督之書……,是最喜樂的救贖訊息。因此,閱讀或聆聽福音書,就是閱讀或聆聽天主之子的聲音。我們必須懷著敬畏之心去聆聽福音,如同聆聽耶穌基督本人一樣。(AE, 127) Cornelius a Lapide says: «The Gospel is Christ’s book…; it is the most joyful message of the Redemption. For this reason, to read or to hear the Gospel is to listen to or to hear the very voice of the Son of God. The Gospel must be listened to with as […]
耶穌受洗後,正在祈禱時,天開了,聽到了天父的聲音。父揭示了祂的兒子,彰顯出來(揭示的意思是彰顯)。就像是向人介绍,以便他們聽從祂的話,並跟隨祂。(APD57, 11) After Jesus was baptized and was praying, the heavens opened and the voice of the heavenly Father was heard, who revealed, manifested (epiphany means manifestation) his Son... It was like a presentation to men so that they may hear, follow him (APD57, 11).
使徒不會缺乏天主的恩典,倘若他在理智、道德和心靈上做了必要的預備,假使他是在天主的恩寵內從事寫作;或者更確切地說,他以一顆真實愛天主和愛人靈的心,以祈禱和刻苦來完成工作。(AE, 143) The apostle will never lack God’s grace if he has made the necessary intellectual, moral, and spiritual preparation; if he writes in God’s grace, or rather, with a heart that is full of love of God and of his fellow human beings, and he seals his work with prayer and sacrifice (AE, 143).
跟隨耶穌基督的道路,是步履祂的行蹤(堅定意志)。追隨耶穌基督的真理,是聽從祂的教理(堅定理智)。跟隨耶穌基督的生命,是在祂的愛和恩典中生活(堅定情感和精神)。(AE, 39) Follow Jesus Christ Way – walking in his steps (adherence of one’s will). Follow Jesus Christ Truth – listening to his doctrine (adherence of one’s intellect). Follow Jesus Christ Life – living in his love and in his grace (adherence of one’s sentiment and spirit) (AE, 39).
我們在洗禮中領受恩竉的生命,在堅振中使它增長,在和好聖事中修補它,在聖體聖事中走向至善。我們必須與耶穌的生命聯合起來,透過感恩祭、默想、聖體聖事和朝拜聖體來增加我們身上的恩寵。然後我們的理智、意志和心就變成是耶穌的。(PrP I, 11) We receive the life of grace in baptism, we increase it in confirmation, we repair it in penance, we perfect it in the Eucharist. We must unite with Jesus Life by increasing the grace in us with Mass, Meditations, Communions, Visits. Then it happens that the mind, the will, the heart become […]
如果使徒作家希望為天主的光榮而展開工作,對自己和人靈都有益處……他將成為正直的人,遵守自然律和基督徒的生活,信靠天主,在天主的臨在中工作,以天主為目標,憑良心認真審視自己筆下的每一個字。(AE, 151-152) If the apostle writer wants to undertake a work for God’s glory which will be of benefit to himself and to others, he should be an upright person, observant of the natural and Christian precepts, putting his trust in God. He should work in God’s presence, aiming for God and making every word […]
為了不辜負身為印刷使徒的職責,出版品必須具備正確的教義、完善的道德和美的形式,不需要總是談論宗教,但必須以基督宗教的方式來寫作。(AE, 159) To not fall short in one’s duty as a press apostle that requires giving the true doctrine, the good in morals and the beautiful in appearance, does not mean one has to write always about religion. One needs, however, to write always in a Christian way (AE, 159).
印刷使徒在他的著作中必須解答信仰的疑惑,必須具備天主默感聖經的目的:就是為了天主的光榮和人靈的得救。(AE, 161) The press apostle must resolve, in his writings, to have the same goal that God had in writing the Holy Book: God’s glory and the salvation of souls (AE, 161).
我們必須像聖保祿那樣行動,他問耶穌:「主,我當作甚麼?」他一知道天主的旨意,就立即準備好,不再多等待,馬上去做。(APim, 66) We must do like St. Paul, who turns to Jesus and says to him: «Lord, what do you want me to do?». And as soon as God’s will is known, he is immediately ready without waiting for anything else, and acts immediately (APim, 66).
一名使徒必須以聖經為榜樣,為了讓自己的著作成為通往天堂的真正道路,也就是说,他必須用跟聖經同樣的方式及目的,探索相關的主題。(AE, 160) So that his writings would be the true way that leads to Heaven, the apostle must model himself on the Bible. In other words, he must explore the same kind of argument, in the same way and with the same aim (AE, 160).
讓祈禱優先,並且陪伴接下來的傳教工作。使徒把耶穌的祈禱「認識祢……和祢所派遣來的耶穌基督」變成自己的祈禱,因而分享同一個永恆救恩的效力。(AE, 166) Let prayer precede, accompany and follow up the apostolate. Let the apostle make his own the prayer of Jesus, «That they know you… and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ», and he will thus share in the eternally saving efficacy of the same (AE, 166).
印刷使徒不是為了科學發明或創作文學作品,也不是為了傳播自己或他人的思想,而單單是為了傳播教會給予的啟示真理,並引導人接近這些真理。(AE, 162) It is not the aim of the press apostle to propose scientific or literary works as such; nor to spread his own or other people’s ideas. His exclusive aim is to spread God’s revealed truths as given to us by the Church, and what leads to these truths (AE, 162).
在編輯室裡,最好的陳設品是福音作者的畫像;最好的標誌和供奉的對象是一本打開的福音書,當中寫著:「種子是天主的話語」。最珍貴的参考書是教父和教會聖師們做了諸多評論的聖經。(AE, 163) The best adornment in an editorial office is a depiction of the Evangelists; the best sign and object of veneration is the Gospel opened at the words: «The seed is the word of God»; the most precious reference book is a Bible with an extensive commentary by the Fathers and Doctors of the […]
作家的心靈對於天主可愛的話語,漸漸獲得微妙和驚人的知識,在不知不覺中逐漸滲入著作裡。(AE, 163) The mind of the writer will gradually acquire the delicate and marvellous knowledge of the adorable word of God in a way that, without realizing it, he will instil it in his writings (AE, 163).
印刷使徒需要學習天主的語言,以便放到自己的作品中;不是他在說話,而是他讓天主發言,這將會產生效果。(AE, 162) The press apostle needs to learn the divine language in order to instil it into his works. These will be effective to the degree that he speaks of God and not of himself (AE, 162).
作者必須被聖書的内容薰陶,才有可能傳播它!如果他恆心地將聖經作為日常閱讀和默想的内容,他就會完成目標……以子女的態度,全心全意聽從天父的的吩咐。(AE, 163) The writer must be penetrated with the content of the divine Book in order to instil it! And he will succeed if he has the constancy of making the Bible his daily reading and meditation… with that filial fondness for listening to and emulating wholeheartedly his heavenly Father (AE, 163).
因為愛,促使天主把不可言喻的聖經作為禮物送給世人。同樣也因著愛,推動使徒去寫作。(AE, 166) The reason behind God’s giving human beings his ineffable gift of Holy Scripture was love. This same love must inspire the apostle to write (AE, 166).
聖經是天主給人類的長信,召喚他們走向天堂……。它是一本神聖的書:包含了需要實行的法律,需要相信的真理;它指出、揭示並提供獲得恩典的方法,為了使人以天主子女的身分去相信和行動,以達目標。(AE, 159-160) The Bible is God’s long letter addressed to human beings, calling them to heaven… It is the divine Book. It embodies the laws to be practiced and the truths to be believed; it indicates, reveals and prepares the means of grace in order to believe and to act as God’s children so as […]
「主,我當作甚麼?」這句話表明掃祿已經完全皈依;同時也表明他全心全意遵行天主的旨意。現在,真正的聖德是符合天主的旨意,並交託在祂的手中。(APim, 237) «What should I do, Lord? ». This expression indicates the full conversion of Saul; and at the same time the full disposition to the will of God. Now true holiness lies precisely in conformity to the will of God and abandonment in his hands (APim, 237).
聖保祿從一名迫害者轉變為一位大宗徒……教會叫我們每日祈禱說:「主啊,變化我們!」這意味著我們都需要皈依!(APim, 263) St. Paul was converted from a persecutor into a great apostle... The Church makes us repeat every day: «Lord, convert us». She means that we all need a bit of conversion! (APim, 263).
讓我們相信聖保祿是一位溫柔的父親。他對他的第一批門徒:聖弟鐸、聖弟茂德、聖戴格蘭、聖路加和費肋孟懷抱怎樣的感情!有多少聖人在他身邊不成長繁盛的呢!他們曾經大放異彩,即便是現在也深具影響力。(APim, 247) Let us be convinced that St. Paul is a very tender father. What affection he did not have for his first disciples: St. Titus, St. Timothy, St. Thecla, St. Luke and Philemon! How many saints did not bloom around him! They flourished then, they will flourish even now (APim, 247).
透過印刷使徒工作而出產的書籍、期刊及所有的印刷品,都是憑藉著聖經而變得有力……它們越是吸取、遵循、依據、引述、應用及忠於聖經,特别是福音,就越有效力。(AE, 165) Through the press apostolate, books, periodicals, and other publications acquire effectiveness in virtue of the Bible… The more they draw from, adhere to, depend on, reproduce, show devotion to and apply the Bible, and the Gospel in particular, the greater will be their effectiveness (AE, 165).
就像領聖體的人獲得來自天堂無與倫比的美德滋養,以聖經話語為食糧的人,也感到有股不可言喻的神聖之火,在他的心中燃點,穿透靈魂,使精神煥然一新。(AE, 170) Just as one who receives the sacred Host partake of heavenly nourishment of incomparable energy, likewise one who nourishes himself on the words of the Bible experience an inner divine fire of inexpressible action that penetrates the soul and renews it spiritually (AE, 170).
聖經與其他書籍不同,它瀰漫著活力。它是天主聖言最偉大的聖事。在它的書頁下,聖神的神聖之火在燃燒,就像在「聖儀」中也有基督活著的神聖位格。(AE, 170) The spirit that permeates the Bible and brings it to life sets it apart from other books. It is the great sacrament of the Word of God. From its pages glows the divine fire of the Holy Spirit just as in the sacramental species there is the living divine person of Christ (AE, […]
正如耶穌基督渴望我們接受祂為我們而設的聖體聖事,天主也希望我們閱讀祂在聖經中為我們而寫的內容。(AE, 172) As Jesus Christ ardently desires us to receive him in the Holy Eucharist, instituted precisely for us, so God desires we should read what he has written for us in the Bible (AE, 172).