機器、麥克風、屏幕是我們的講台;印刷厰、製片場、放映室、廣播間,就像是我們的聖堂。(CISP, p. 832) The machine, the microphone, the screen are our pulpit; the printing press, the production, projection and broadcasting room is like our church (CISP, p. 832).
接近聖保祿的人都會漸漸改變,學會像他一樣生活,像他一樣祈禱。熱愛聖保祿的人,心胸很快會變得寬廣慷慨。(È necessario pregare sempre 2 , p. 362) One who comes near to St. Paul little by little transforms himself, learns to live like him, to pray like him. He quickly makes his heart big and becomes generous, broad in his outlook and ardent and tender in his love for Christ (È necessario pregare sempre […]
牧民關懷是牧養人靈的藝術,是神聖的任務與事業,尋求將靈魂帶往天堂,拯救他們。(FSP33**, 23) Pastoral care is the art of the pastor of souls, it is the art of pasturing, it is that divine office, that complex of holy industries that he seeks to lead souls to heaven, to save them (FSP33**, 23).
即使你們不理解對方,即使你們相處上有困難,但仍彼此相愛的話,就再好不過了。需要謙遜,這是仁愛的基礎;因為驕傲帶來混亂,嫉妒是仁愛的蛀蟲。 Love one another, very well, always well, even when of course you do not understand one another, even when there are difficulties. Ask for humility which is the foundation of charity, because pride creates disorder and envy is the worm of charity (FSP33**, 31).
如果我們沒有做好我們的使命,主會取代我們。常有偏離特定目標的危險!必須常宣講天主聖言,因為總有人需要被拯救。媒體工具可以改換,但必須常保持宣講。(FSP33**, 31) (Vademecum, n. 1065) If we do not carry out our mission well, the Lord may replace us. There is always a danger of deviating from the special purpose! The Word of God must always be preached: there will always be souls to be saved. The means may vary, but the preaching must remain […]
啊,瑪利亞,熱愛人靈和虔誠敬主的模範,我向妳祈求三個寶貴的恩典:第一是讓我認識隱藏在聖體龕內的天主;第二是讓我在神聖的親密關係中尋找天主的臨在;第三是讓我的心常嚮往天主。(BM, 380) O Mary, model of loving souls and fervent adorers, I ask you for three precious graces: to know the God hidden in the Tabernacle; to seek his presence, in holy intimacy; to live habitually with the heart turned to Him (BM, 380).
聖保祿是深愛人靈的使徒:他為他們而繼續活在世上,在他的書信中充分表達最溫柔的情懷。現在我們學習他的榜樣,接受他的教導……他多麼愛我們啊!因此,他在天堂上能不看顧我們嗎? (APim, 109) St. Paul is the apostle all aflame with love for souls. Already on this earth, he lived for them and his letters are full of the most tender expressions of affection. Now we are instructed by him… He teaches us through the splendour of his examples. How much affection, therefore, does he […]
我們選擇了最有效的工具來拯救人靈,就是印刷。聖保祿從天上溫柔地看著我們,以一種特殊的方式祝福我們。我們也可以說他在我們中間,與我們一起生活,感受到我們的心跳……他從天主那裡為我們獲得了無限的恩寵。(APim, 109-110) Because we, in order to save souls, choose the most effective instrument, that of the press, he blesses us in a particular manner. Therefore, from paradise, he looks at us with tenderness. We can say that he lives with us, in our midst. He feels all the beating of our hearts... he obtains […]
用來傳播福音的機器是多麼美麗!在機器前,優良印刷的使徒體會無比的感動,比聖方濟‧亞西西真情流露讚美自然界的〈萬物讚頌歌〉,更加感動。(AE, p. 366) How beautiful are the machines destined for those who preach the good news. In front of his machine, the Apostle of the Good Press experiences something more than did Saint Francis when there flowed from his soul his hymn to Brother Sun (AE, p. 366).
某些聖保祿的教導是深奧難明的,但金口聖若望給了進入和理解它們的鑰匙與祕訣,他說:「越愛聖保祿,就越懂聖保祿,越能進入他內心的祕密、他靈魂的智慧、他精神的寶藏。(APim, 127) There are, however, some things in the teachings of St. Paul that are profound and difficult, but St. John Chrysostom gives us at once the key, the secret to penetrate them and to understand them: to love St. Paul. The more we love, the more we understand. The more we love, the more […]
一切智慧都是從耶穌基督來的。聖保祿說,不是來自耶穌基督的智慧,是無知、損失和汙穢的。一切都來自祂、為了祂、在祂內……耶穌基督,祂是萬有中的萬有,位於萬物之內與之外,「祂必為王!」(APim, 128) There is no wisdom if not from Jesus Christ and what does not come from Jesus Christ, St. Paul says, is ignorance, loss, dirtiness. “From him everything, through him everything, in him everything”... “Jesus Christ is everything and in everything”, he is at the bottom and at the centre, at the head and […]
誦念玫瑰念珠的各端奧祕來填補生活裡的空檔時刻,這樣做,當天會感到十分喜樂。(Una buona Parola, 6, 92) Fill the gaps in the day with the mysteries of the rosary and you will then be happy in the day (Una buona Parola, 6, 92).
耶穌基督是鏡頭,聖保祿透過此鏡頭來研究人生各種面向,解決基督徒生命的所有問題。(APim, 144) Jesus Christ is the lens, the prism that helps St. Paul to study all the aspects of the life of man and to solve all the problems of the Christian life (APim, 144).
一位永不疲倦的步旅者,創立各地教會,熾燃心靈熱火——這就是聖保祿的形象,他的心就是基督的心。(APim, 144) A tireless walker, founder of churches in the whole world, igniter of hearts: this is the figure of St. Paul, “whose heart was the heart of Christ” (APim, 144).
聖保祿詠讚、宣揚天主的榮耀,推動對天主的崇敬,倡導天主的法律;他為了基督入獄,成了囚犯,卻時時生活在基督內。(APim, 145) St. Paul is the singer of God, the preacher of the glory of God, the promoter of his cult, the champion of the laws of God, the segregated for Christ, the prisoner for Christ, the man who lives in Christ (APim, 145).
聖保祿在我們面前成了種種美德的典範。他仿效耶穌導師,以身作則;因此,他吸引了無數人靈,跟在他身後有一隊伍的聖人。(APim, 146) St. Paul stands before us as the model of every virtue. In imitating the Divine Master, first, he practiced and then taught others. Thus, he drew to himself many souls and behind him, there is a procession of saints (APim, 146).
朝拜聖體的時間是你的首要工作;不僅如此,而且是指導你一天所有其他工作的重心;你所有的內在生活和外在活動都會從中獲得力量和安慰。(APD47, 126) The hours of Adoration are your first work; not only that but the centre of the day to which you must direct all your other work; and from which all your interior life and exterior activity will take vigour and comfort (APD47, 126).
不斷前進!像基督的宣揚者、像天主的旅行者聖保祿;他是感受到「基督住在我內」的使徒,他陪伴教會走過艱辛的旅程。(APim, 146) Always straining forward like Christ the propagandist, like Paul, walker for God. Feeling the Apostle’s “Christ lives in me” is to accompany the Church in her difficult journey (APim, 146).
無時無刻都要福傳,這是主的命令:「你們往普天下去,向一切受造物宣傳福音」。正如所有人都蒙召獲得救恩,因此,所有人都必須知道天主所啟示的真理、該遵守的誡命,以及認識到達目標的恩寵之道。(UPS III, 124) Evangelization to be carried out in every age and every place, in accordance with God’s command: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation”. As all are called to salvation so all must know the truths revealed by God, the precepts to be observed and the means […]
聖保祿有個讓他時刻都在想的心思——耶穌基督;他有個讓他全力以赴的理想——耶穌基督;有個讓他一生充滿動力與熱情的愛——耶穌基督。(APim, 144) St. Paul has an idea that haunts him: Jesus Christ; he has an ideal to which he aspirs with all his might: Jesus Christ; a passionate love that is the spring of his whole life: Christ (APim, 144).
如果你的靈修沒有持續進步,沒有逐漸了解天主、福音、教理與會憲,不在奉獻生活和使徒工作中日益修德成聖,你就不是聖保祿的兒女。(APim, 147) We are not sons and daughters of St. Paul if we are not always on the go in our spiritual work, in knowing ever better the Lord, the Gospel, the doctrine of the Church, our Constitutions, and in observing religious life ever more perfectly and progressing in the apostolate (APim, 147).
你們要如同聖保祿一樣,必須成為出版的使徒;要像他一樣有顆包容全人類旳廣闊的心,以及不知疲倦的英勇行動。你們必須從他學習「為一切人成為一切」的技巧。祕訣就在於愛:在任何事上應有愛德。(APim, 147) Like St. Paul, the apostle of the editions must be a great heart that embraces all of humanity, his activity tireless and heroic. He must learn from his model the art of making himself “all for all”. The secret is love: “In all things, charity!” (APim, 147).
活出保祿!活出並為昏昏沉睡的人帶來光明;活出並支持那些在奮鬥中的熱心使徒;活出並將你高超的默觀,帶給那些熱愛與天主更親密往來的人!(APim, 214) Live Paul!... Live and enlighten darkened minds, live and sustain the ardent apostles of our day in their struggles; live and bring to intimate souls, to souls who love closer communication with God, your elevations and your contemplations! (APim, 214).
在會祖某次關於天堂的講道之後,賈卡鐸神父問:「我可做什麼來獲得最美麗的天堂?」這是讓願望實現的定志:我們還能做些什麼來獲得更美麗的天堂? (Prediche del Primo Maestro, 24s) After a sermon on Paradise, Master Giaccardo asked: What more could I do to acquire the most beautiful Paradise? Here is an aspiration that we can make our own: what more can we do to acquire a more beautiful Paradise? (Prediche del Primo Maestro, 24s).
有人在等著我們!我們要盡其所能,不要讓某些人失去被光照的機會。聖保祿與主相遇時,跟十二宗徒一樣是「在基督內」的經驗;照亮他的那道光也伴隨著教會今日艱辛的旅程,保護教會如同到處宣講的耶穌、如同天主的旅行者保祿,持續不斷向前邁進。(APim, 222) souls that are waiting! Let no one miss, as far as we can, the divine light. It is the life of St. Paul. It is to feel the apostle of “Christ lives in me”. It is to accompany the Church in her difficult journey today. Always bent on advancing, like Christ the propagandist, […]
聖保祿是堅毅的人:他的信念多麼有力量!然而,他對那些天主派來引導他的人表現出溫順。(APim, 224) St. Paul had a very strong character. What power worked in him his conviction, his faith! And yet he always showed docility to whoever Providence assigned to guide his steps (APim, 224).
聖保祿宗徒是修會的真正創始人。事實上,他是父親、老師、模範和保護者。他為自己建立了這個家庭,在物質和精神悉心看顧我們。即便是現在我們回想起來,也無法透徹理解他對我們的愛有多麼大,更別說要完全解釋清楚了。(APim, 225) St. Paul the Apostle is the true Founder of the Institute. In fact, he is its Father, Teacher, exemplar and protector. He himself has made this family through an intervention so physical and spiritual that not even now, reflecting upon it, can we understand it and much less explain it (APim, 225).
我們的一切都屬於保祿……他觸發一切,光照全部,培育所有事物;他是修會的領導、總管、保護及支持者;保祿家庭藉著他建立起來。(APim, 225) Everything is his … He moved everything, enlightened everything, nourished everything. He was its guide, its treasurer, its defence, its support everywhere that the Pauline Family has established itself (APim, 225).
不是我們選擇了他;恰恰相反,是聖保祿選擇了我們。天上導師一定渴望我們保祿家庭是活於今天的聖保祿,並在瑪利亞諸宗徒之后的眷顧和恩寵下生活。(APim, 225) It is not that we have elected him; it is, instead, St. Paul who has elected us. The Pauline Family must be St. Paul living today, according to the mind of the Divine Master, operating under the gaze and with the grace of Mary Queen of the Apostles (APim, 225).
聖保祿宗徒是我們的父親、老師及保護者。他的工作面面俱到……保祿家庭的生命源頭來自聖體聖事,但聖保祿是中間的傳遞者。(APim, 225-226) St. Paul the Apostle is our Father, Teacher and Protector. He has done everything. This one is called the Work of St. Paul… The life of the Pauline Family comes from the Eucharist but is communicated by St. Paul (APim, 225-226).
是耶穌吸引人到自己身邊,將他置於自己心上,並滿懷信任地對他說話……你沒感覺到耶穌想顯現給你、聖神想成為你的老師嗎?(APD47, 383) It is Jesus who draws the person to himself, who takes him into his heart and talks to him with confidence... Can you not hear that it is Jesus who wants to reveal himself to you, that the Holy Spirit wants to be your Teacher? (APD47, 383).
耶穌向我們展示祂自己,成為我們的榜樣。祂是一切聖善的典範。祂的思想、心靈及行動都是聖潔的……耶穌是凡事都取悅天父的奉獻生活者。讓我們跟隨祂的腳步。(APD47, 390) Jesus is presented to us as our model. He is the model of all holiness. He was holy in mind, heart, deeds... Jesus is the religious who pleases the Father in everything. Let us follow in his footsteps (APD47, 390).
天主會賜下與祂指派給我們的職務所需的恩寵。祂會照亮並拓展我們的心靈,補充我們的不足;祂會引導長上了解祂的意願並正確傳遞祂的訊息;祂會幫助人完成救恩工程。我們要對祂的這些恩寵寄予厚望。(APD47, 167) The Lord gives the graces in proportion to and corresponding with the duty he assigns. He enlightens, expands the person’s heart, makes up for what is lacking. He guides the Superiors to know his will and to communicate it properly, to help the persons in the work of their salvation. Count much on […]
不是行動拯救世界,而是恩寵;不當只追求外在工作的人,而是成為聖徒!(APD47, 284) Activity shall not save the world, but grace; nor shall those who work only exteriorly, but the Saints! (APD47, 284).
許多人都犯了一個錯誤,認為外在活動比內在生活更為重要。你必須避免這個錯誤……首要的使徒工作是做得以成聖的使徒工作。這個工作人人有責。(APD47, 272) Many fall into the error of giving great importance to exterior activity than to interior life. You must avoid and fight such errors... The first apostolate is the apostolate of our sanctification. No one is dispensed from it (APD47, 272).
禮儀是神聖之事,可帶來活力、賦予生命。耶穌基督——人類的道路、真理和生命——繼續在祂的教會中擔任導師、犧牲的祭品及聖化者。禮儀是天主的聖言、聖善的學校、恩寵的泉源。(AE, 230) The Liturgy is something alive and life-giving. It is, in a certain sense, the consummation itself of Jesus Christ whereby he continues to be in his Church the Teacher, the sacrificial Victim, the Sanctifier: Way, Truth and Life for humanity. The Liturgy is thus God’s Word, a school of holiness, and a source […]
主啊,我懇求祢,請光照我的理智;點燃我的意志;淨化我的身體;聖化我的靈魂。讓我痛改前非;拒絕未來的誘惑;糾正我現有生活狀況的惡習,培養美德。(BM, 33) I pray to you, O Lord, to enlighten my intellect; to inflame my will; to purify my body; to sanctify my soul. Let me deplore my past iniquities; that I reject future temptations; that I correct the vicious inclinations and cultivate the virtues according to my state of life (BM, 33).
人間的禮儀陪伴人靈來到天堂的門口。在這裡須捨棄人間的禮儀,因為最美麗、最圓滿的永恆禮儀將要開始。哦,那時與天主的共融是多麼親密,與天主聖三共度的生活多麼契合。(APD47, 476) The earthly Liturgy accompanies the soul up to the gates of Heaven. It is left here because the most beautiful, most perfect, eternal heavenly Liturgy begins. Oh! what an intimate communion with God, what intimacy of life with the Most Holy Trinity! (APD47, 476).
人間的禮儀是為永恆的禮儀做準備,它是喜樂的……禮儀讓我們品嚐到天上事物的味道,並展現天主的許諾:「參與你主人的福樂吧!」(APD47, 490.491) The Liturgy of down here prepares us for the eternal Liturgy, which is also: joy... The liturgy creates in us a taste for heavenly things and introduces us to the fulfillment of the divine promise: “Take part in the joy of your master” (APD47, 490.491).
所有的苦修和密契主義,以及教理和倫理生活,都包含在禮儀中。禮儀是達至天主的途徑,是為通往永恆之境與無窮喜樂的準備。(APD47, 492) All the ascetical and mystical doctrines, in addition to those dogmatic and moral, are contained in the Liturgy. The Liturgy is the way to possess God, the way and preparation to the eternal vision and everlasting joy (APD47, 492).
天堂需要努力,「天國是以猛力奪取的」。與自己奮鬥到底,抵抗好奇心、不良傾向、驕傲、敏感、自我滿足的懶惰;奮戰到底!因為要奮力應戰,所以必須好好祈禱。(APD47, 537) Paradise requires efforts. “The Kingdom of God has suffered violence”. Do violence to oneself, opposing curiosities, bad tendencies, pride, sensitiveness, facility to give in to laziness; always violence! Violence in making the examination of conscience, so as to pray well (APD47, 537).
困難不會缺少,但新郎與你同在,不要害怕!......你會遇到一些阻礙、一些荊棘,但看看結局吧。這條窄路通向何方呢?它將引人至天鄉,在那裡你將在最純淨的喜樂中永遠找到耶穌。(APD47, 496) Difficulties will not be lacking, but the Bridegroom is with you, do not be afraid!... You will meet with hardships and thorns but look to the end. Where does this narrow way lead? It will lead to that heavenly homeland where you will finally find Jesus forever in the purest joy (APD47, 496).