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作者必須被聖書的内容薰陶,才有可能傳播它!如果他恆心地將聖經作為日常閱讀和默想的内容,他就會完成目標……以子女的態度,全心全意聽從天父的的吩咐。(AE, 163) The writer must be penetrated with the content of the divine Book in order to instil it! And he will succeed if he has the constancy of making the Bible his daily reading and meditation… with that filial fondness for listening to and emulating wholeheartedly his heavenly Father (AE, 163).


印刷使徒需要學習天主的語言,以便放到自己的作品中;不是他在說話,而是他讓天主發言,這將會產生效果。(AE, 162) The press apostle needs to learn the divine language in order to instil it into his works. These will be effective to the degree that he speaks of God and not of himself (AE, 162).


作家的心靈對於天主可愛的話語,漸漸獲得微妙和驚人的知識,在不知不覺中逐漸滲入著作裡。(AE, 163) The mind of the writer will gradually acquire the delicate and marvellous knowledge of the adorable word of God in a way that, without realizing it, he will instil it in his writings (AE, 163).