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透過陸海空交通在各大洲之間移動,與不同的民族、文化、語言相遇,但我們都同樣以孩子的心,敬禮同一位母親。多令人欣慰啊!……全為了瑪利亞,全來自瑪利亞,所有一切都偕同瑪利亞。她在世上向萬民展示她的兒子。(CISP,p. 1016) Changing continents, being on land, on the sea, in the air; to meet races, other civilizations, different languages: but always the same Mother, always the hearts of children, always the same devotion; how consoling it is! ... To Mary everything, from Mary everything, with Mary everything. She shows everyone her Son on earth […]


去做默想祈禱不意味著不熱心工作,恰恰相反,因為祈禱比行動更重要。福傳工作只有在内修生活的激勵中才會有成果,而内修生活又是從默想得到滋養。(AE, 87) The time given to meditation is not stolen from active works since prayer is more necessary than action. Indeed, apostles are productive to the degree they are animated by their interior life, which is nourished, precisely, by meditation (AE, 87).


並非每個人都用同樣的方式接近天主,大家多半各自有不同的需要,所以使徒必須從模範聖保祿學習「為一切人,成為一切」的藝術,並靈活地運用不同的方法,與不同的人來往。(AE, 37) Since not everyone comes to God in the same way and all have their individual needs the apostle must learn from his model, Saint Paul, the art of «being all things to all people» and to have that flexibility of adaptation as to treat people accordingly (AE, 37).