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聖保祿在旅程中總是停留在有文化的繁榮城市,在那裡他建立了信仰的核心,就像一座火爐和一個中心,信仰從那裡——像是厄弗所、雅典、格林多、斐理伯、安提約基雅和羅馬——向四周散播。 In his journeys Saint Paul always sought out the great cities, the most cultured and commercial ones, where he established a nucleus of the faithful that were like a hearth and a centre from which the faith spread all around: like Ephesus, Athens, Corinth, Philippi, Antioch, Rome (APim, p. 88).


天主聖言是有效的,不要常因我們自己的因素而削弱它的效能。聖保祿是怎樣宣講的?宗徒們是怎樣宣講的?教會的教父們又如何宣講?宣講需要努力、堅持、熱忱、心意純正:它要求我們有耶稣的心和祂對人靈的愛。 The Word of God has innate power: it often depends on us not to reduce it. How did St. Paul preach? How did the Apostles preach? How did the great doctors of the Church preach? This ministry requires hard work, perseverance, zeal, and right intention: it requires that we possess the heart of Jesus, […]


作者(與編輯)、技術人員和行銷人員緊密地聯繫在一起。只有在這種結合中,我們才能為人靈提供益處。 The author, the technician, and the propagandist are deeply united. Only in this union do we attain the good of souls (RSP, p. 548).