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聖保祿留下長老們延續他的工作,他常以書信和話語陪伴他們;他渴望得知他們的消息,他在精神上與他們連結在一起,為他們祈禱。 Saint Paul used to entrust to some priests to continue his work; he often used to return there with his word and writing; he wanted news, he was with them in spirit, he prayed for them (APim, p. 227).


天主聖言是有效的,不要常因我們自己的因素而削弱它的效能。聖保祿是怎樣宣講的?宗徒們是怎樣宣講的?教會的教父們又如何宣講?宣講需要努力、堅持、熱忱、心意純正:它要求我們有耶稣的心和祂對人靈的愛。 The Word of God has innate power: it often depends on us not to reduce it. How did St. Paul preach? How did the Apostles preach? How did the great doctors of the Church preach? This ministry requires hard work, perseverance, zeal, and right intention: it requires that we possess the heart of Jesus, […]


聖保祿到一個地方時,並不是偶然路過那裡去發表一場演講——而是留下來建設當地的教會:取得知識分子的認同、勸勉、皈依、與基督結合,幫助他們度全面基督徒的生活。 When Saint Paul arrived, he did not appear for an occasional lecture: but he stayed and formed: to ensure the consent of the intellect, to persuade, to convert, to unite with Christ, to begin a fully Christian life (APim, p. 227).