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少了謙虛,不能建樹什麼;在謙虛中,蕴含著我們的成聖和人性的幸福。驕傲的人,即使現在過得好,到了最後也會發現自己的悲慘。謙虛使人親近天主、親近人。謙虛就是真理。 Without humility nothing is achieved; in humility, instead, we find our sanctification and human happiness itself. The proud, even in the present life, will end up feeling bad... Humility makes man dear to God and dear to men. Humility is truth (RSP, p. 319).


保持團結需要謙遜。我們很容易以為自己的才是好的,並把它絕對化。別忘了,每個人身上都有好的一面。 Humility is necessary to maintain unity. We are very much inclined to look at all the good in us and to inflate it. There is something good in everyone (FSP-SdC, p. 87).