基督宗教本身就是道路、真理和生命,必須要與人分享這些。每個人都要相信耶穌、跟隨耶穌,與耶穌連繫在一起。 In itself, Christianity is way, truth and life, and this must be shared with souls. Everyone must believe in Jesus, follow Jesus, and join Jesus (FSP61*, p. 146).
如果今年你要編寫一些關於瑪利亞的書,那麼請你想一想,你所排的每個鉛字、印刷機的運轉、出版書的每個工作和行銷,都是獻給瑪利亞的敬禮,是實行瑪利亞的福傳工作。 If during the course of the year you have to compose some book about Mary, then think that every typeface you set, every rolling of the printing machine, every work of paperbacks and propaganda, is a homage to offer to Mary: it is to carry out the Marian apostolate (RSP, p. 434).