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願保祿家庭完全接枝在基督內。我們決不可離開基督——祂是神聖的橄欖樹、結果實的橄欖樹。無論是一個月、一星期或甚至一天,都不可以不來取食這生命之糧。 May the Pauline Family be completely grafted into Christ. InChrist, the holy olive, the fruit-bearing olive... Let us never leave, neither for a month, nor for a week, nor for a day, without coming to eat this bread of life (FSP59, p. 90).


聖體是偉大的轉化工具:在其中,靈魂感到與耶穌親近,在其中,靈魂接受耶穌的想法,感受到耶稣的心和耶穌的意願。 Communion is a great means for transformation: it is there that the soul feels close to Jesus, it is there that the soul adopts the way of thinking of Jesus and the feelings of Jesus’ heart and the will of Jesus (AP 1960, p. 100).


必須捨棄一切——想法、喜好、傾向、處事的方式等等,得以獲取新的心、新的思想和新的處事方式……。在此,成功的典範有瑪利亞、耶穌和聖保祿。 You have to give up everything: your way of thinking, the preferences you had, the trends and then the ways of dealing; you have to have a new heart, a new mind and a new way of working.... And the examples are there: Mary, Jesus, Saint Paul (AP 1960, p. 98).