基督宗教本身就是道路、真理和生命,必須要與人分享這些。每個人都要相信耶穌、跟隨耶穌,與耶穌連繫在一起。 In itself, Christianity is way, truth and life, and this must be shared with souls. Everyone must believe in Jesus, follow Jesus, and join Jesus (FSP61*, p. 146).
必須捨棄一切——想法、喜好、傾向、處事的方式等等,得以獲取新的心、新的思想和新的處事方式……。在此,成功的典範有瑪利亞、耶穌和聖保祿。 You have to give up everything: your way of thinking, the preferences you had, the trends and then the ways of dealing; you have to have a new heart, a new mind and a new way of working.... And the examples are there: Mary, Jesus, Saint Paul (AP 1960, p. 98).