從思想產生話語、情感、行動,是思想在驅動,就像飛行員開飛機、司機駕駛汽車一樣。 From thoughts come words, feelings, and actions; it is the mind that drives, as the pilot flies the plane, as the driver drives the car (ACV, p. 19).
有人從福音得到滋養,愛好默想,閱讀大量的靈修書籍;如此,他們牢記這些原則,並習以為常在心靈深處感受它們。 There are people who nourish themselves on the Gospel, love meditation, and make a lot of spiritual readings; in such a way that they remember these principles, feel them in their spirit and constitute the core of their soul, almost a second nature... (ACV, p. 53).
我們勤讀聖保祿的書信,就能清楚明白他的想法:他的論證和他所寫的每一句話,都是符合基督的;亦即把福音的神聖教導應用在生活和所處的環境中。 If we read the Letters of St. Paul we understand well what was his thinking: his reasoning, and every word he wrote, was conformed to Christ; it was an application of the divine doctrine of the Gospel to life, to circumstances (AP 1958/1, p.175).
必須捨棄一切——想法、喜好、傾向、處事的方式等等,得以獲取新的心、新的思想和新的處事方式……。在此,成功的典範有瑪利亞、耶穌和聖保祿。 You have to give up everything: your way of thinking, the preferences you had, the trends and then the ways of dealing; you have to have a new heart, a new mind and a new way of working.... And the examples are there: Mary, Jesus, Saint Paul (AP 1960, p. 98).
聖體是偉大的轉化工具:在其中,靈魂感到與耶穌親近,在其中,靈魂接受耶穌的想法,感受到耶稣的心和耶穌的意願。 Communion is a great means for transformation: it is there that the soul feels close to Jesus, it is there that the soul adopts the way of thinking of Jesus and the feelings of Jesus’ heart and the will of Jesus (AP 1960, p. 100).